Meet Information
Good morning Coaches,Hope everyone is doing well.The meet for today will begin at 5:00.
We have our Senior Night starting at 4:30
Coaches Meeting will be at the start finish line at 4:45
The meet will begin promptly at 5:00,with all field events.Also Mens and womens 4 800 will begin at 5:00 as well, with a rolling schedule.
High Point Central:High Jump,Shot put and Disc:Rockingham County.Long Jump/triple jump:Rockingham County.Northeast Guilford And Atkins will Assist with Timing..(1)&(3) exchange Zones 4200 Northeast,exchange zone (2) Atkins.4100 exchange zone.(1)Rockingham (2)Atkins (3)Northeast.
Bus parking in the back of the stadium,Spectators parking in the parking lots.Gates open at 4:00.$5.00 admissions.Concessions will be open with lots of delicious food.Hope everyone have safe travels.Planning to have a great meet.