Meet Information
This meet is hosted by the Charlotte Independent Schools Athletic Association.
If you are not a member of the CISAA, it will cost $75 to enter the meet. Payments can be mailed or brought to the meet.
Checks should be made out to Providence Day School.
Mailing address:
Ben Hovis
Providence Day School
5800 Sardis Rd.
Charlotte, NC
Schedule: (UPDATED 9/26)
4:25 JV Boys & Girls Race
5:00 Invitational Girls' Race (top 10)
5:30 Invitational Boys' Race (top 10)
Awards: (UPDATED 9/26)
The top 5 for each gender in the JV race and top 10 in each Invitational race will receive a certificate at the finish line OR they will be handed to coaches later.
The top team in the Invitational race will receive an award donated by Charlotte Running Company.
We will use the "pancake course" at McAlpine. The course starts around the 200m mark and does two loops. Very spectator friendly.