Meet Information
There will be an admission fee of $5.00 per person for individuals
over the age of 18 (Students are free.). We have a clear bag policy to enter
the stadium. If have have futher questions concerning the admission fee or the
clear bag policy, please contact the school's Athletic Director, Sean Vestal at
(336) 661-4880.
Please park the activity buses with our activity buses next to the
tennis courts in that lot. The parking lot is located on the right-hand side if
you enter from West Hanes Mill road. Please have all athletes and coach enter
the stadium through the entrance on the home side of the field (The side
closest to the school). The lower gates will be locked and no coaches or
athletes will be allowed to enter through those gates.
Our home meets are scheduled to begin at 5:00 p.m. and will be on
a rolling schedule once the track oval events begin. Please have athletes
report on "second call" for their events. Field events will report
directly to the event site and running events will report to their starting