Hopewell Meet #2 2023 2023

Huntersville, NC
Hosted by Hopewell

Meet Information

The registration for the meet next Wednesday at Hopewell is open, the link is below:


The password is titan2

The meet will start at 3:45 PM for all field events and track events.  All teams are allowed three teams per relay event and ten athletes for all individual events.  We will be running all eight lanes, so I will need each team to provide one coach to help out with timing.  I will also need coaches to help out with throwing and jumping events.  Please add entry times for the individual running events if you can.   Entries will close at midnight on Tuesday, if you have any changes/additions, please email me or tell me at the coaches meeting.  There will be a coaches meeting at 3:20.   Please park buses in the student parking lot and enter through the home side gate.

If you have any questions please let me know.
Michelle LaPointe
Hopewell HS