Meet Information
Registration will close at 6:00 pm on Thursday May 4th for anyone that would like to change or get a reseed.
Please enter the middle school from Thompson Rd. Do not enter from the main entrance in front. Go past the R-S Central Baseball field and the entrance will be the next left. Drive past the track until you reach the gate. Go through the gate and park on the right side of the road. We need to keep the left side open for traffic. If you are the first one there please move as far forward as you can to get three buses parked past the gate. Please arrive by 3:15 in order to beat bus traffic out of the campus. Below you will find a campus map. Everything should be labeled.
We will have water provided at the finish line and in all three team staging areas. Please bring your own bottles or cups. Staging areas will be on the field because of limited stands. All field events are located inside the facility.
For spectators: Cost will be $5 and ages 6 and under get in free. An icee truck will be on site and water will be sold. I'm still working on a food truck. Spectators must enter from the front of the school and park in the front parking lot and walk to the stadium. There is a ramp so it is handicapped accessible.
3:30 Coaches Meeting at the finish line
4:00 pm Field Events
Long & Triple Open Pit for Both (there are two jump pits)
High Jump - Ladies then Men
Shot Put - Ladies then Men
Discus - Men followed by Ladies
Pole Vault - East took care of this
4:30 4x800
5:00 Open Pits close and Field events should be wrapping up
5:10 Rolling schedule
Coaches Assignments Google Sheet has been shared with each school and should be filled out prior to arrival. Attached below is the google form for your assistants to sign up: