Meet Information
Welcome To Garinger Home Meet #2
One of the best kept secrets for Meets in Charlotte.
Password Protected: Wildcats
We are hoping to start field events at 3:45. We will run two pits at the same time by starting with Boy's Long Jump and Girl's Triple Jump followed by the Girl's Long Jump and Boy's Triple Jump.
We will not have Pole Vault, or Discus. (They have not installed my cage.)
The running events will start at 4:00 pm.
We will only take 8 athletes in running events. Example 8 Garinger ladies in 200M. That is the Max.
Each school will be assigned a field event to assist in smooth meet.
In turn, coaches will be needed for zones during relay events.
FAT for results.
Trainer will be on site.
Coaches Hospitality
Coaches we will have extra staff on hand, to police athletes that are not warming up or cooling down on the infield, excessive asking of student athletes to leave the infield will result in individual or team DQ's.
If you have any questions please contact my cell at 980-337-0030