Meet Information
This Meet is open to Lee Sr., Scotland County, Union Pines, and Pinecrest.
You may enter up to 6 persons per lane event and 2 relay teams. You may enter 8 per non-lane races and 3 (4x800). There will be 4 heats for Ind. Lane Events and 1 Heat for non individual lane events.
The meet will start at 5:00, with field events. Running will start at 5:30.
Buses park in the stadium lot,
Parents should not arrive on campus prior to 4:30.
PV girls first followed by boys, starting height 6-3 and 7-3 feet.
High Jump boys first followed by girls, starting height 5 and 4 feet.
Shot Put: boys followed by girls everyone gets 3 throws.
Discus: girls followed by boys everyone gets 3 throws.
Long Jump followed by triple jump, everyone gets 3 jumps. There are 2 pits for the horizontal Jump.