Meet Information
With your help on the
following, we can try to keep this meet to 2 - 3 hours:
1. Meet will start
at 3:30 with Field Events, 3:50 for Running Events. If your team is late, jump
into the meet at the time you arrive. Traffic is heavy into LNHS, so
please plan accordingly.
a. Open Pit for 1
hour for LJ first, and then TJ will follow.
i. Each competitor
will have 4 jumps
ii. We have only 1
pit operational so Men and Women will jump at the same time. The 10 minute rule
will apply. See below.
b. Throws: each
thrower will have 4 throws. The 10 minute rule applies.
c. Women will go
first in the HJ and will open at 4-4 for Women; 5-2 for Men.
d. A strict
"10-minute rule" will apply when an athlete leaves to compete in another event.
The athlete has 10 minutes to return to the jump/throw event. Bar moves up if waiting
for a competitor exceeds 10 minutes while at another event.
e. There will be NO
2. Coaches have
until Tuesday 3/21, to sign up for events they will Officiate, otherwise we will
have to assign Officials to events. 2 officials per school? Thanks for your
3. Entries are
capped at 3 per sprint event, 5 per distance event and 1 Relay. All entries are to be posted on Milesplit
by 7:00 PM on Tuesday evening, 3/21. No additions - only scratches will occur
at the meet.
4. Coaches meeting
at 3:05 near the Clerk Tent at center of football field.
5. Heat Sheets will
be sent out Wednesday morning. Please print heat sheets or send electronic
copies to your athletes prior to arrival.
a. Please be sure
all your athletes know their heat and lane number prior to checking in, which
will speed up the process.
6. National
Federation Uniform Rules will be enforced.
7. Park all busses in
one of the parallel spots in student parking located near the practice soccer
field in the back section of the parking lot.
8. Concession stands
will be available.
9. An $8.00 admission fee will be
charged for all spectators by using