Meet Information
There will be a Coach's Meeting at 3:40 at the check in tent. Please park buses in the upper lot behind the right-field baseball fence. Spectators will be charged $5 for entry. ALL Spikes will be inspected and can only be 1/4 inch pyramids (no needles or trees). Long Jump will be BOYS First then girls. TJ open pit will start after LJ. GIRLS HJ will go first for this meet. We will do Girls discus and Boys Shot first and then switch. Only 4 athletes per event and 1 relay team except for the 800. If you have a preference on what event your will be working, please email Coach Key. Medals for 1st place finishers!
Estimated Schedule
4x800 together 4pm
100/110HH 4:15pm
100m dash 4:30pm
4x200 relay 4:45pm
1600m run together 5:00pm
4x100m relay 5:15pm
400m dash 5:25pm
300 hurdlles 5:40pm
800m run separately 6:00pm
200m dash 6:10pm
3200m run 6:20pm
4x400 may run together if only 6 teams... 6:35pm