Meet Information
We do not have room for any additional teams beyond those already invited.
Eastern has a 6-lane track, runways, and high jump apron which were resurfaced last year.
We do realize that sometimes weather or other circumstances will make it impossible for a school to participate. We will always look at the weather report and try to avoid cold conditions and/or rain. We will decide the Sunday before the meet whether or not we will reschedule because of weather. If at any time you decide you cannot come after committing, please let us know immediately. We hope to hear from you. We wish you the best this Indoor season.
Coaches from participating schools will be asked to officiate field events while we time running events.
Athletes not entered online will be allowed to run but will not be
included in the official results unless they qualify for the state finals.
Registration closes at 3:00 the day before the meet. The meet will begin at 4:30.No charge for participation.