Eastern Alamance Polar Bear #1 2023

Mebane, NC

Meet Information


Rescheduled for Wednesday, Dec 7. Entries close at 3pm on Tuesday, Dec 6.

This meet is full. Please contact J.J. Knox atkj_harold@bellsouth.net ASAP if you would like to participate and he will put you on a wait list in case other schools cancel.Eastern has a 6-lane track, runways, and high jump apronwhich were resurfaced last year. We also have FAT timing.

Eastern Alamance High School will host three polar bear indoor track meets inorder to give as many athletes as possible the opportunity to compete and toimprove and to qualify for the state finals. At the same time, we want to keepmeets manageable -- no one wants to compete in a meet which seems to lastforever. This is a difficult task because we do not know how many entries eachschool intends to make. We will invite.all schools requesting entry until we reach 300 athletes. At that point, wewill no longer allow more schools to enter unless they have fewer than 10athletes or we have some cancelations. Obviously, we can include many schoolswith a small number of entries. Please do not request to enter a meet unlessyou intend to participate. Make sure you indicate all meets in which you wouldlike to participate. We have meets scheduled for Dec 6, Jan 10 and Jan 31.

We do realize that sometimes weather or other circumstances will make itimpossible for a school to participate. We will always look at the weather

report and try to avoid cold conditions and/or rain. We will decide the Sundaybefore the meet whether or not we will reschedule because of weather. If at anytime you decide you cannot come after committing, please let us knowimmediately. We hope to hear from you. We wish you the best this Indoor season.

Coaches from participating schools will be asked to officiate

field events while we time running events.

Athletes not entered online will be allowed to run but will not be

included in the official results unless they qualify for the state finals.

Registration closes at 3:00 the day before the meet. The meet will begin at4:30.No charge for participation.