3A Central Quad Meet at Northwood 2022

Pittsboro, NC
Hosted by Northwood
Timing/Results Eastern Alamance HS

Meet Information

This meet is only open to Western Alamance, Walter Williams,  Cedar Ridge and Northwood. 

Entry Deadline:The deadline for entries is Sunday, September 11th at Noon. NO Late Entries will be accepted. 

Tents: They may be set-up on in the Top 4 Rows of the Away Bleachers and/or Shot Put area(Where you will park the buses)

Due to the time it would take to walk the course we will NOT  have a Course Walkthrough. The course is the same as last year but is in even better shape. It will be marked with natural boundaries, cones, flags, and directional signs to direct runners where to go. I encourage you to watch the course video below with your teams. 

Due to it being a Quad Meet we will run the Boys and Girls races together at 5:00 p.m.

Uniform check will be in 15 minutes prior at 4:45 at the Starting Line. If an illegal uniform is found you along with the student-athlete will be notified so they have time to change. With Conference Regional and States coming up I think it's a good idea to get them into the habit of this. 

We will have a trail gator in case someone gets hurt is unable to finish the race on their own. We will also have our Athletic Trainer at the Finish Line for any medical issues. 

Timing/Results will be done by J.J. Knox 

Course Map: //assets.sp.milesplit.com/meets/435569/files/nhs_xc_map.pdf

  Course Video

For additional meet info contact:Cameron Isenhour at cisenhour@chatham.k12.nc.us