Meet Information
The North Stokes Track & Field Jamboree will feature both middle school and high school races. The meet will begin at 4:00 pm and will follow the below schedule. No entry fee. There will be a spectator admission of $5 per person.
4:00 PM Field Events
High Jump - High School Girls followed by Middle School Girls
Long Jump - 2 Pits - High School Girls and Boys Long Jump Followed by Middle School Girls and Boys Long Jump
Triple - 2 pits - High School Girls and Boys Triple Jump will followed the middle school girls and boys long jump
Discus - 2 circles - High School girls and boys followed by middle school girls and boys
Shot Put - 2 circles - Middle school girls and boys followed by high school girls and boys
Pole Vault - High School Girls and Boys
4:00 pm - Running Events
4X800 Relay - High School
1600 Meter - Middle School
5:00 pm - Running Events
100 Hurdles - HS Girls
110 Hurdles - HS Boys
100 Dash - Middle School
100 Dash - High School
4X200 Relay - Middle School
4X200 Relay - High School
1600 Meters - High School
4X100 Relay - Middle School
4X100 Relay - High School
400 Meter Dash - Middle School
400 Meter Dash - High School
300 Hurdles - High School
800 Meters - Middle School
800 Meters - High School
200 Meters - Middle School
200 Meters - High School
600 Meters - Middle School
3200 Meters - High School
4X400 Relay - High School