NCHSAA 1A Midwest Regional 2021

Mocksville, NC

Complete Results

Licensed to Big Kahuna Timing - Contractor License        HY-TEK's Meet Manager
         2021 NCHSAA Midwest 1A Regional Championship Meet - 6/18/2021         
                           Davie County High School                            
Event 1  Girls Shot Put
 Meet Record: R 40-02  2001        Beverly Bennet, Cummings                    
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Brittany Ellis             9 North Rowan           33-06.50   10   
  2 Loren Johnson             12 Community Sc          30-02.75    8   
  3 Sydney Seagraves          11 Mount Airy            29-11.50    6   
  4 Grace Harriman            10 Bishop McGui         J29-11.50    5   
  5 Tela Wright               10 North Stokes          29-10.00    4   
  6 Kaithlyn Smith             9 East Surry            29-01.00    3   
  7 Jozy Combs                12 Mount Airy            28-07.25    2   
  8 Laney Greif               11 Community Sc          28-01.50    1   
  9 Grace Jones               12 Chatham Cent          27-11.75  
 10 Abby Cain                 10 South Stokes          26-01.75  
 11 Grey Moore                11 Mount Airy            25-10.50  
 12 Mallory Hill               9 Gray Stone D          25-07.00  
Event 2  Boys Shot Put
 Meet Record: R 54-08.75  5/14/2016   Gabriel King, Mount Airy                 
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Andrew Lankau             11 Bishop McGui          42-08.00   10   
  2 Devin Goolsby             12 South Stokes          42-07.00    8   
  3 Sam Whitt                 11 East Surry            42-06.00    6   
  4 Pedro Rocha               12 Bishop McGui          41-05.75    5   
  5 Aiden Emswiler            12 North Stokes          40-02.00    4   
  6 isaac Vaden                9 East Surry            39-11.50    3   
  7 Mason Hill                11 Mount Airy            39-08.00    2   
  8 Brock Haynes              11 Mountain Isl          39-02.75    1   
  9 Jacob West                11 Mountain Isl          38-02.50  
 10 Aiden Morris              10 Community Sc          34-09.75  
 11 Ben Fresoli               11 Bradford Pre          34-08.50  
Event 5  Girls Discus Throw
 Meet Record: R 131-00  1994        Concita Simmons, North Stokes              
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Brittany Ellis             9 North Rowan              96-02   10   
  2 Clara Willard             11 East Surry               87-07    8   
  3 Jozy Combs                12 Mount Airy               85-00    6   
  4 Chloe O'Quinn              9 South Davids             84-01    5   
  5 Lily Howard               10 Pine Lake Pr             83-06    4   
  6 Tela Wright               10 North Stokes             82-05    3   
  7 Sydney Seagraves          11 Mount Airy               81-10    2   
  8 Hannah Johnston           12 East Surry               80-07    1   
  9 Grey Moore                11 Mount Airy               78-07  
 10 Kaithlyn Smith             9 East Surry               68-02  
 11 Ashlin Austin             12 Union Academ             67-09  
 12 Grace Jones               12 Chatham Cent             55-10  
Event 6  Boys Discus Throw
 Meet Record: R 155-02  2008        Rashad Gray, South Stokes                  
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 isaac Vaden                9 East Surry              130-04   10   
  2 Devin Goolsby             12 South Stokes            130-01    8   
  3 Aiden Emswiler            12 North Stokes            122-10    6   
  4 Myles Perry               11 Mountain Isl            111-10    5   
  5 Mason Hill                11 Mount Airy              108-03    4   
  6 Dylan Blalock             12 North Stanly            104-06    3   
  7 Ben Fresoli               11 Bradford Pre            100-02    2   
  8 Jayden Deku               12 Pine Lake Pr             99-02    1   
  9 Hilton Gibson             11 Pine Lake Pr             98-02  
 10 Pedro Rocha               12 Bishop McGui             96-04  
 11 Aiden Morris              10 Community Sc          87-07.50  
 12 Sam Whitt                 11 East Surry               87-04  
Event 9  Girls High Jump
 Meet Record: R  5-06  5/3/2014    Hunter Welborn, Starmount                   
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Ava Utt                   10 Millennium C           5-00.00   10   
  2 Taegan Lowder             12 North Stanly           4-11.00    8   
  3 Madison Mizelle            9 North Stokes           4-10.00    6   
  4 Dajaneen Ortiz            12 Winston-Sale          J4-10.00    5   
  5 Kailey Green              10 Chatham Cent          J4-10.00    4   
  6 Chloe Ann Tew             10 East Surry            J4-10.00    3   
  7 Sophie Phillips           12 Chatham Cent           4-08.00    2   
  8 Julia Paschal             11 North Moore            4-04.00    0.50
  8 Jenna Sidberry            11 Pine Lake Pr           4-04.00    0.50
 10 Audrey Collier            12 Community Sc          J4-04.00  
Event 10  Boys High Jump
 Meet Record: R  6-10  2004        Dakota Dunn, East Montgomery                
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Kendrell Goodes           12 North Rowan            6-08.00   10   
  2 Ali Currie                11 Albemarle              6-06.00    8   
  3 Najee Steward             12 Mountain Isl           6-00.00    6   
  4 Tre Stewart               12 Winston-Sale           5-10.00    5   
  5 Gus Linker                 9 Pine Lake Pr           5-06.00    4   
  6 Joshua Parker             10 East Surry             5-04.00    2.50
  6 Dontrae Henderson          9 Mountain Isl           5-04.00    2.50
  8 Luke Baldwin               9 Pine Lake Pr           5-02.00    1   
 -- Seth Johnson              10 Community Sc                NH  
Event 11  Girls Pole Vault
 Meet Record: R 11-00  2004        Shea Snow, Starmount                        
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Emma Bingman              10 North Stokes           8-06.00   10   
  2 Madison Mizelle            9 North Stokes           8-00.00    7   
  2 Emily Dotson              12 Pine Lake Pr           8-00.00    7   
  4 Ione Johnson              12 South Stokes           7-00.00    5   
  5 Savannah Griffin          10 Mountain Isl          J7-00.00    4   
  6 Abigail Heil              10 Mountain Isl           6-06.00    3   
  7 Christiana Friesenhahn    10 Mountain Isl           5-06.00    2   
Event 12  Boys Pole Vault
 Meet Record: R 14-06  2010        Sean Nickell, Starmount                     
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Jake Morgan               11 Pine Lake Pr          12-06.00   10   
  2 Connor Logue              10 Mountain Isl          10-00.00    8   
  3 Matthew Edwards            9 North Stokes           9-06.00    6   
  4 Cody Ciulla               12 Mountain Isl           9-00.00    5   
  5 Pryor Rhinehardt          10 Mountain Isl          J9-00.00    4   
Event 13  Girls Long Jump
 Meet Record: R 19-04.50  2010        Teaunna Cuthbertson, North Rowan         
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind Points
  1 Taegan Lowder             12 North Stanly          17-09.00   NWI  10   
  2 Zahra Bichara             12 Mountain Isl          17-01.50   NWI   8   
  3 Gracie Butcher            11 Mount Airy            16-10.00   NWI   6   
  4 Makayla Rogers            12 North Stokes          16-01.00   NWI   5   
  5 Tai'lah Ward               9 North Rowan           16-00.00   NWI   4   
  6 Victoria Harris           12 Queen's Gran          15-09.00   NWI   3   
  7 Stefania Williams          9 Pine Lake Pr          15-06.00   NWI   2   
  8 Audrey Collier            12 Community Sc          14-04.00   NWI   1   
  9 Somahje Porter            12 Albemarle             13-09.50   NWI 
 10 Kylie Brodt                9 Union Academ          13-05.25   NWI 
Event 14  Boys Long Jump
 Meet Record: R 22-11  1995        Brandon Prevette, West Davidson             
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind Points
  1 William Mayfield          12 Mount Airy            21-00.00   NWI  10   
  2 Jack Baldwin              12 Pine Lake Pr          20-05.50   NWI   8   
  3 Ali Currie                11 Albemarle             20-05.00   NWI   6   
  4 Blake Hawks                9 Mount Airy           J20-05.00   NWI   5   
  5 Tre Stewart               12 Winston-Sale          19-05.00   NWI   4   
  6 Kendrell Goodes           12 North Rowan           18-07.00   NWI   3   
  7 Dontrae Henderson          9 Mountain Isl          18-05.00   NWI   2   
  8 Corbin Payne              10 South Davids          17-09.00   NWI   1   
  9 Miles Baucom               9 Union Academ          17-03.00   NWI 
 -- Malachi Moore             11 Chatham Cent                ND   NWI 
Event 15  Girls Triple Jump
 Meet Record: R 37-06.50  2012        Jamie Glenn, Monroe                      
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind Points
  1 Taegan Lowder             12 North Stanly          34-01.25   NWI  10   
  2 Aniya Brown                9 North Rowan           33-05.50   NWI   8   
  3 Makayla Rogers            12 North Stokes          33-02.00   NWI   6   
  4 Gracie Butcher            11 Mount Airy            32-10.00   NWI   5   
  5 Stefania Williams          9 Pine Lake Pr          32-04.00   NWI   4   
  6 Lyndon Cock               11 Community Sc          31-03.75   NWI   3   
  7 Somahje Porter            12 Albemarle             29-10.75   NWI   2   
  8 Natalie Soles             10 South Davids          29-06.00   NWI   1   
  9 Audrey Collier            12 Community Sc          26-06.00   NWI 
Event 16  Boys Triple Jump
 Meet Record: R 49-03  2010        Issac Blakenev, Monroe                      
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind Points
  1 Ali Currie                11 Albemarle             40-10.50   NWI  10   
  2 Jack Baldwin              12 Pine Lake Pr          40-10.00   NWI   8   
  3 Blake Hawks                9 Mount Airy            39-04.50   NWI   6   
  4 Seth Johnson              10 Community Sc          38-08.50   NWI   5   
  5 Tristan Harless           12 East Surry            38-01.50   NWI   4   
  6 Layton Allen              11 East Surry            37-09.50   NWI   3   
  7 Corbin Payne              10 South Davids          37-02.00   NWI   2   
  8 Cole Hicks                 9 North Stokes          36-00.00   NWI   1   
  9 Kyree Dykes               11 North Stanly          35-07.50   NWI 
 10 Luke Baldwin               9 Pine Lake Pr          34-00.00   NWI 
Event 17  Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
 Meet Record: R 9:51.28  2012        Gray Stone Day                            
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Pine Lake Preparatory  'A'                         10:27.77   10   
     1) Rylee Hegedus 11                2) Caroline Ingram 10             
     3) Abby Pike 9                     4) Mara Vicario 12                
  2 Community School of Davidson  'A'                  10:47.22    8   
     1) Taylor Simoes 11                2) Katie Skerpon 10               
     3) Camryn Burton 10                4) Leah Whiteside 10              
  3 Bishop McGuinness  'A'                             10:49.54    6   
     1) Sofia Wolff 10                  2) Monserat Garcia 11             
     3) Julia Sullivan 10               4) Tate Chappell 10               
  4 Union Academy  'A'                                 11:22.32    5   
     1) Hannah Cox 9                    2) Gracie Williams 10             
     3) Riley Harrison 11               4) Isabella Falcone 10            
  5 Bradford Prep Charter School  'A'                  11:45.80    4   
     1) Grace Hyatt 9                   2) Alyssa Jhingoor 10             
     3) Rylie Spangenberg 10            4) Kailynn Jensen 9               
  6 Mountain Island Charter School  'A'                11:50.82    3   
     1) Hope Barwick 9                  2) Makenna Butlak 9               
     3) Emily Heil 9                    4) Brooke Harris 12               
  7 East Surry  'A'                                    12:41.75    2   
     1) Sophie Hutchens 9               2) Ansley Cardin 9                
     3) Addyson Sechrist 9              4) Madeline Dayton 9              
Event 18  Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
 Meet Record: R 8:13.83  5/14/2016   South Davidson, South Davids              
                         B Parrish, H Query, A Bond, T Gallimore           
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Union Academy  'A'                                  8:46.89   10   
     1) Andrew Horner 11                2) Evan Mitchell 10               
     3) Caleb Cox 11                    4) Felix Snider 12                
  2 Community School of Davidson  'A'                   8:56.28    8   
     1) Layton Simoes 9                 2) Jackson Wetherbee 10           
     3) Luke Whiteside 12               4) Daniel Ahearn 10               
  3 Mountain Island Charter School  'A'                 8:57.95    6   
     1) Reese Johnson 9                 2) Isaac Thompson 10              
     3) Ethan Price 9                   4) Jacob Laughlin 12              
  4 Pine Lake Preparatory  'A'                          9:07.44    5   
     1) KJ Grossbeck 11                 2) Connor Detiveaux 11            
     3) Tyler Garrett 10                4) Owen Sypolt 10                 
  5 Bishop McGuinness  'A'                              9:19.56    4   
     1) David Armstrong 10              2) C J Pacholke 11                
     3) Noah Goodman 11                 4) Michael Golamco 10             
  6 Millennium Charter Academy  'A'                     9:37.44    3   
     1) Hartley Devore 11               2) Calvin Devore 11               
     3) Ben Flinchum 9                  4) Cesar Gonzalez 10              
  7 East Surry  'A'                                    10:15.90    2   
     1) Isaiah Arrington 11             2) Sean McCain 9                  
     3) Cade Talton 9                   4) Cooper Motsinger 11            
Event 19  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles
 Meet Record: R 14.54  2001        Chandra Pulliam, Cummings                   
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind H# Points
  1 Aniya Brown                9 North Rowan              16.26   2.2  2  10   
  2 Tai'lah Ward               9 North Rowan              16.58   2.2  2   8   
  3 Makayla Rogers            12 North Stokes             16.81   2.2  2   6   
  4 Stefania Williams          9 Pine Lake Pr             18.05   1.6  1   5   
  5 Azarea Miller              9 North Rowan              18.60   2.2  2   4   
  6 Madison Gaines            12 Chatham Cent             19.28   1.6  1   3   
  7 Siena Stefanac            10 Pine Lake Pr             20.30   1.6  1   2   
  8 Audrey Falcone             9 Union Academ             20.94   1.6  1   1   
 -- Ashlynn Brown             12 Queen's Gran                DQ   2.2  2  pushed hurdle
 -- Jamariah Lowery           11 East Surry                  DQ   2.2  2  interference
Event 20  Boys 110 Meter Hurdles
 Meet Record: R 14.44  2002        Al Rush, South Stanly                       
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind H# Points
  1 Tsion Delaney             12 North Rowan              16.08   3.0  2  10   
  2 Lukas Valley              11 Pine Lake Pr             16.58   3.0  2   8   
  3 Kyre Shamwell             12 Mountain Isl             17.01   3.0  2   6   
  4 Jacobe Smith              10 Mountain Isl             17.33   2.0  1   5   
  5 Anthony Chambers          12 Albemarle                17.69   3.0  2   4   
  6 Najee Steward             12 Mountain Isl             17.96   3.0  2   3   
  7 Alex Huneycutt            10 North Stanly             19.62   3.0  2   2   
  8 Seth Vogt                 10 South Stokes             19.75   2.0  1   1   
  9 Beau Fox Tran             10 Pine Lake Pr             19.78   2.0  1 
 10 Taylor Thornton           12 South Stokes             20.09   2.0  1 
 11 Luke Brownwell            11 Pine Lake Pr             22.67   2.0  1 
Event 21  Girls 100 Meter Dash
 Meet Record: R 12.09  5/9/2015    Deonica Reid, Winston Salem Prep            
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind H# Points
  1 Tamia Johnson             12 Winston-Sale             12.46   3.7  2  10   
  2 Faith Braithwaite          9 East Surry               12.47   3.7  2   8   
  3 Tai'lah Ward               9 North Rowan              12.75   3.7  2   6   
  4 Madison Mizelle            9 North Stokes             12.93   3.7  2   5   
  5 Madison Forsythe          11 Mountain Isl             12.97   3.7  2   4   
  6 Jayla Williams            11 Winston-Sale             12.99   1.7  1   3   
  7 Justene Brice              9 Bradford Pre             13.31   1.7  1   2   
  8 Abigail Clayton            9 Albemarle                13.44   3.7  2   1   
  9 Katherine Ellis           10 North Rowan              13.47   1.7  1 
 10 Ember Midkiff              9 East Surry               13.57   1.7  1 
 11 Thi'lee Locke              9 Bradford Pre             13.65   1.7  1 
 12 Tamiyah Sellers            9 Albemarle                14.85   1.7  1 
Event 22  Boys 100 Meter Dash
 Meet Record: R 10.40  2009        Corey Wilkerson, Jordan-Matthews            
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind H# Points
  1 Armonte Ferguson          10 Mountain Isl             10.65   3.4  2  10   
  2 Trevin Moyer              11 Mountain Isl             10.68   3.4  2   8   
  3 William Mayfield          12 Mount Airy               11.04   3.4  2   6   
  4 Trae Nickelson            11 Mountain Isl             11.05   3.4  2   5   
  5 Nathan Cathcart           12 Winston-Sale             11.09   2.9  1   4   
  6 Tre Stewart               12 Winston-Sale             11.27   2.9  1   3   
  7 Christian Poplin          12 Albemarle                11.29   3.4  2   2   
  8 Ethan Connor              10 Bishop McGui             11.42   2.9  1   1   
  9 Jaylen Prinkeny            9 Albemarle                11.64   3.4  2 
Event 29  Girls 4x200 Meter Relay
 Meet Record: R 1:43.81  2013        Monroe                                    
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Winston-Salem Prep Academy  'A'                     1:48.44   10   
     1) Jayla Williams 11               2) Damyja Ortiz 11                
     3) Dajaneen Ortiz 12               4) Tamia Johnson 12               
  2 Mountain Island Charter School  'A'                 1:50.35    8   
     1) Anahya Noel 11                  2) Madison Forsythe 11            
     3) Ella Barwick 11                 4) Zahra Bichara 12               
  3 Community School of Davidson  'A'                   1:52.71    6   
     1) Amelia McMillan 12              2) Lyndon Cock 11                 
     3) Eleanor Nguyen 9                4) Laney Greif 11                 
  4 North Rowan  'A'                                    1:54.25    5   
     1) Bailee Goodlett 9               2) Bloom Goodlett 9               
     3) Aniya Brown 9                   4) Katherine Ellis 10             
  5 Union Academy  'A'                                  1:56.03    4   
     1) Mia Fraticelli 12               2) Nina Fraticelli 11             
     3) Kylie Brodt 9                   4) Hannah Cox 9                   
  6 Albemarle  'A'                                      2:00.95    3   
     1) Diamond Smith 11                2) Abigail Clayton 9              
     3) Tamiyah Sellers 9               4) Somahje Porter 12              
  7 Pine Lake Preparatory  'A'                          2:02.45    2   
     1) Jenna Sidberry 11               2) Mara Vicario 12                
     3) Haley Garrett 12                4) Emily Dotson 12                
  8 Chatham Central  'A'                                2:02.86    1   
     1) Kailey Green 10                 2) Jayley Martin 10               
     3) Samantha Scott 10               4) Mary Grace Murchison 12        
Event 30  Boys 4x200 Meter Relay
 Meet Record: R 1:28.74  2007        Jordan-Matthews                           
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Mountain Island Charter School  'A'                 1:32.56   10   
     1) Trae Nickelson 11               2) Jonavon Fisher 9               
     3) Reginald Taylor 11              4) Caleb Patton 11                
  2 Pine Lake Preparatory  'A'                          1:35.33    8   
     1) Demitrius Johnson 11            2) Banx King 11                   
     3) Ben Kern 11                     4) Sutherland Fox Tran 11         
  3 South Stanly  'A'                                   1:35.48    6   
     1) Jameel Shaheed 10               2) Jaquavius Caraway 12           
     3) Ezra Powe 10                    4) Omaurion Eldridge 10           
  4 Bishop McGuinness  'A'                              1:35.80    5   
     1) Jorge Vidal 11                  2) Matthew Holder 11              
     3) Ethan Connor 10                 4) Michael Golamco 10             
  5 Albemarle  'A'                                      1:36.07    4   
     1) Jaylen Prinkeny 9               2) Christian Poplin 12            
     3) CJ Ellis 10                     4) Anthony Chambers 12            
  6 Community School of Davidson  'A'                   1:39.45    3   
     1) Gavin Tinnell 9                 2) Aedan Davies 9                 
     3) Jacob Lee 10                    4) Colton Davis 9                 
  7 Union Academy  'A'                                  1:43.23    2   
     1) Nathan Swinney 10               2) Caleb Cox 11                   
     3) Liam Mackinnon 11               4) Conor Griffin 10               
 -- Corvian Community School  'A'                           DNF  
     1) Ben Slazer 11                   2) Joshua Newkirk 10              
     3) Caleb Brisbon 11                4) Marlon Martin 9                
Event 31  Girls 1600 Meter Run
 Meet Record: R 5:12.23  2013        Malia Ellington, Community Day            
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Leah Whiteside            10 Community Sc           5:42.56   10   
  2 Rachel Overby             12 North Stokes           5:43.45    8   
  3 Abby Pike                  9 Pine Lake Pr           5:49.20    6   
  4 Emberleigh Pauley-Brown    9 Gray Stone D           5:50.84    5   
  5 Camryn Burton             10 Community Sc           5:53.04    4   
  6 Grace Eppehimer            9 Gray Stone D           6:05.04    3   
  7 Sofia Wolff               10 Bishop McGui           6:16.85    2   
  8 Connelly Martin           10 Pine Lake Pr           6:30.17    1   
  9 Lexi Goode                11 North Stanly           6:32.15  
 10 Kailynn Jensen             9 Bradford Pre           6:41.06  
 11 Emily Heil                 9 Mountain Isl           6:52.08  
Event 32  Boys 1600 Meter Run
 Meet Record: R 4:27.47  2010        Matus Kriska, Mount Airy                  
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 William Lyons             11 South Davids           4:43.90   10   
  2 Evan Mitchell             10 Union Academ           4:44.86    8   
  3 KJ Grossbeck              11 Pine Lake Pr           4:47.23    6   
  4 Jacob Fiorillo            11 Corvian Comm           4:47.79    5   
  5 Cooper Motsinger          11 East Surry             5:00.00    4   
  6 Layton Simoes              9 Community Sc           5:00.68    3   
  7 Ranfere Garcia            10 South Stanly           5:07.88    2   
  8 David Armstrong           10 Bishop McGui           5:15.75    1   
  9 Cole Fiorillo              9 Corvian Comm           5:16.17  
 10 Luke Whiteside            12 Community Sc           5:19.31  
 -- Josh Huneycutt             9 South Stanly               DNF  
Event 35  Girls 4x100 Meter Relay
 Meet Record: R 48.82  2012        Winston Salem Prep                          
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Mountain Island Charter School  'A'                   51.73   10   
     1) Anahya Noel 11                  2) Madison Forsythe 11            
     3) Ella Barwick 11                 4) Zahra Bichara 12               
  2 East Surry  'A'                                       53.42    8   
     1) Madeline Dayton 9               2) Jamariah Lowery 11             
     3) Ember Midkiff 9                 4) Bella Hutchens 9               
  3 North Rowan  'A'                                      54.18    6   
     1) Azarea Miller 9                 2) Bailee Goodlett 9              
     3) Bloom Goodlett 9                4) Katherine Ellis 10             
  4 Bradford Prep Charter School  'A'                     54.53    5   
     1) Aurora Davis 11                 2) Justene Brice 9                
     3) Autumn Soler 9                  4) Thi'lee Locke 9                
  5 Union Academy  'A'                                    55.15    4   
     1) Karynton Clark 12               2) Jena Price 10                  
     3) Nina Fraticelli 11              4) Mia Fraticelli 12              
  6 Pine Lake Preparatory  'A'                            55.90    3   
     1) Haley Garrett 12                2) Emily Dotson 12                
     3) Lily Howard 10                  4) Kelci Krehnbrink 10            
  7 Chatham Central  'A'                                  56.34    2   
     1) Kailey Green 10                 2) Jayley Martin 10               
     3) Samantha Scott 10               4) Mary Grace Murchison 12        
  8 Albemarle  'A'                                        57.74    1   
     1) Abigail Clayton 9               2) Diamond Smith 11               
     3) Tamiyah Sellers 9               4) Marigah Lilly 9                
Event 36  Boys 4x100 Meter Relay
 Meet Record: R 42.54  2007        Jordan -Matthews                            
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Mountain Island Charter School  'A'                   43.61   10   
     1) Trae Nickelson 11               2) Armonte Ferguson 10            
     3) Reginald Taylor 11              4) Trevin Moyer 11                
  2 Pine Lake Preparatory  'A'                            45.05    8   
     1) Demitrius Johnson 11            2) Jack Baldwin 12                
     3) Jayden Deku 12                  4) Sutherland Fox Tran 11         
  3 Albemarle  'A'                                        45.62    6   
     1) CJ Ellis 10                     2) Jaylen Prinkeny 9              
     3) Anthony Chambers 12             4) Christian Poplin 12            
  4 South Stanly  'A'                                     45.78    5   
     1) Jameel Shaheed 10               2) Jaquavius Caraway 12           
     3) Ezra Powe 10                    4) Omaurion Eldridge 10           
  5 Corvian Community School  'A'                         46.16    4   
     1) Ben Slazer 11                   2) Anthony Mullins 10             
     3) Joshua Newkirk 10               4) Marlon Martin 9                
  6 Union Academy  'A'                                    48.63    3   
     1) Miles Baucom 9                  2) Nathan Swinney 10              
     3) Caleb Cox 11                    4) Conor Griffin 10               
Event 37  Girls 400 Meter Dash
 Meet Record: R 57.46  2012        Reneazie Collins, Monroe                    
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Damyja Ortiz              11 Winston-Sale             59.31   2  10   
  2 Rylee Hegedus             11 Pine Lake Pr             59.97   2   8   
  3 Hannah Cox                 9 Union Academ           1:01.75   2   6   
  4 Madison Mizelle            9 North Stokes           1:02.83   2   5   
  5 Caroline Ingram           10 Pine Lake Pr           1:04.17   1   4   
  6 Amelia McMillan           12 Community Sc           1:05.37   1   3   
  7 Chloe O'Quinn              9 South Davids           1:05.39   2   2   
  8 Abigail Clayton            9 Albemarle              1:06.24   2   1   
  9 Clara Minix                9 Millennium C           1:08.57   1 
 10 Aurora Davis              11 Bradford Pre           1:08.70   1 
 11 Monserat Garcia           11 Bishop McGui           1:09.21   1 
 12 Annie Driggers             9 Corvian Comm           1:09.47   1 
Event 38  Boys 400 Meter Dash
 Meet Record: R 49.41  5/3/2014    Caleb Drake, West Montgomery                
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Giovanni Bernard          12 Mountain Isl             50.72   2  10   
  2 William Mayfield          12 Mount Airy               50.84   2   8   
  3 Jameson Davies            11 Community Sc             53.36   2   6   
  4 Liam Mackinnon            11 Union Academ             53.81   1   5   
  5 Jeremy Shatsha            12 Pine Lake Pr             53.88   1   4   
  6 Jaden Malone              12 Queen's Gran             54.67   2   3   
  7 Ethan Wilkins             11 Gray Stone D             55.00   1   2   
  8 Isaiah Arrington          11 East Surry               56.18   1   1   
  9 Ben Kern                  11 Pine Lake Pr             58.21   1 
 -- Armonte Ferguson          10 Mountain Isl               DNF   2 
 -- Trevin Moyer              11 Mountain Isl               DNF   2 
Event 43  Girls 300 Meter Hurdles
 Meet Record: R 45.84  2001        Chandra Pulliam, Cummings                   
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Somahje Porter            12 Albemarle                49.34   2  10   
  2 Tai'lah Ward               9 North Rowan              49.35   2   8   
  3 Aniya Brown                9 North Rowan              49.85   2   6   
  4 Makayla Rogers            12 North Stokes             49.89   2   5   
  5 Stefania Williams          9 Pine Lake Pr             51.97   2   4   
  6 Dajaneen Ortiz            12 Winston-Sale             52.17   2   3   
  7 Laney Greif               11 Community Sc             52.79   1   2   
  8 Katie Skerpon             10 Community Sc             58.21   1   1   
  9 Paulina Hunt              11 Pine Lake Pr             59.31   1 
 10 Siena Stefanac            10 Pine Lake Pr           1:01.63   1 
Event 44  Boys 300 Meter Hurdles
 Meet Record: R 38.44  2002        Al Rush, South Stanly                       
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Lukas Valley              11 Pine Lake Pr             41.83   2  10   
  2 Tsion Delaney             12 North Rowan              41.87   2   8   
  3 Kyre Shamwell             12 Mountain Isl             41.94   2   6   
  4 Jake Morgan               11 Pine Lake Pr             43.06   2   5   
  5 Alex Huneycutt            10 North Stanly             43.85   2   4   
  6 Jacobe Smith              10 Mountain Isl             44.32   1   3   
  7 Anthony Chambers          12 Albemarle                44.92   2   2   
  8 Jonavon Fisher             9 Mountain Isl             45.85   1   1   
  9 Beau Fox Tran             10 Pine Lake Pr             46.88   1 
 10 CJ Ellis                  10 Albemarle                47.67   1 
 11 Seth Vogt                 10 South Stokes             48.39   1 
Event 45  Girls 800 Meter Run
 Meet Record: R 2:19.44  2002        Kala Robertson, Surry Central             
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Leah Whiteside            10 Community Sc           2:34.86   10   
  2 Hannah Butlak             11 Mountain Isl           2:36.21    8   
  3 Taylor Simoes             11 Community Sc           2:37.02    6   
  4 Isabella Falcone          10 Union Academ           2:38.72    5   
  5 Tate Chappell             10 Bishop McGui           2:38.91    4   
  6 Alexandra Childress       12 North Stanly           2:41.54    3   
  7 Sofia Wolff               10 Bishop McGui           2:43.42    2   
  8 Gracie Williams           10 Union Academ           2:46.33    1   
  9 Madeline Hladik           10 Bradford Pre           2:47.27  
 10 Grace Eppehimer            9 Gray Stone D           2:48.53  
 11 Mara Vicario              12 Pine Lake Pr           2:49.29  
 12 Julia Sullivan            10 Bishop McGui           2:51.31  
Event 46  Boys 800 Meter Run
 Meet Record: R 1:56.14  2001        Matthew Gibby, West Davidson              
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Jacob Laughlin            12 Mountain Isl           2:04.33   10   
  2 C J Pacholke              11 Bishop McGui           2:05.84    8   
  3 Daniel Ahearn             10 Community Sc           2:08.14    6   
  4 Caden Ratcliff             9 Mount Airy             2:08.85    5   
  5 Reese Johnson              9 Mountain Isl           2:15.42    4   
  6 Josh Huneycutt             9 South Stanly           2:15.91    3   
  7 Andrew Horner             11 Union Academ           2:16.30    2   
  8 Felix Snider              12 Union Academ           2:19.58    1   
 -- Jacob Fiorillo            11 Corvian Comm               DNF  
 -- William Lyons             11 South Davids               DNF  
Event 51  Girls 200 Meter Dash
 Meet Record: R 24.50  2011        Janieyah Collins, Monroe                    
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind H# Points
  1 Tamia Johnson             12 Winston-Sale             25.65   1.3  2  10   
  2 Ella Barwick              11 Mountain Isl             26.41   1.3  2   8   
  3 Damyja Ortiz              11 Winston-Sale             26.42   1.3  2   6   
  4 Madison Forsythe          11 Mountain Isl             27.13   1.3  1   5   
  5 Jayla Williams            11 Winston-Sale             27.36   1.3  1   4   
  6 Hannah Cox                 9 Union Academ             28.00   1.3  2   3   
  7 Chloe O'Quinn              9 South Davids             28.07   1.3  2   2   
  8 Bailee Goodlett            9 North Rowan              28.38   1.3  1   1   
  9 Victoria Harris           12 Queen's Gran             28.47   1.3  1 
 10 Thi'lee Locke              9 Bradford Pre             28.72   1.3  1 
 11 Justene Brice              9 Bradford Pre             28.84   1.3  1 
 -- Faith Braithwaite          9 East Surry                 DNF   1.3  2 
Event 52  Boys 200 Meter Dash
 Meet Record: R 21.39  2009        Corey Wilkerson, Jordan-Matthews            
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind H# Points
  1 Trae Nickelson            11 Mountain Isl             22.44   1.5  2  10   
  2 Nathan Cathcart           12 Winston-Sale             22.78   1.5  2   8   
  3 William Mayfield          12 Mount Airy               22.80   1.5  2   6   
  4 Blake Hawks                9 Mount Airy               23.57   1.5  2   5   
  5 Joshua Newkirk            10 Corvian Comm             23.89   1.5  2   4   
 -- Armonte Ferguson          10 Mountain Isl               DNF   1.5  2 
 -- Trevin Moyer              11 Mountain Isl               DNF   1.5  2 
Event 59  Girls 3200 Meter Run
 Meet Record: R 11:30.24  2013        Malia Ellington, Community Day           
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Rachel Overby             12 North Stokes          12:33.27   10   
  2 Emberleigh Pauley-Brown    9 Gray Stone D          12:55.46    8   
  3 Ashley Jones              12 Pine Lake Pr          13:18.64    6   
  4 Mia Roberson              11 Community Sc          13:56.26    5   
  5 Emily Heil                 9 Mountain Isl          14:25.81    4   
  6 Connelly Martin           10 Pine Lake Pr          14:33.97    3   
  7 Makenna Butlak             9 Mountain Isl          14:59.09    2   
  8 Marin Sullivan             9 Community Sc          15:15.86    1   
  9 Gwen Wall                 12 South Stokes          15:52.07  
 -- Abby Pike                  9 Pine Lake Pr               DNF  
Event 60  Boys 3200 Meter Run
 Meet Record: R 9:52.51  5/14/2016   Jacob Parker, Elkin                       
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 William Lyons             11 South Davids          10:45.18   10   
  2 Cooper Motsinger          11 East Surry            10:54.24    8   
  3 Jacob Fiorillo            11 Corvian Comm          11:01.58    6   
  4 Braydon Jenks              9 Community Sc          11:01.65    5   
  5 Seth Emory                 9 North Stokes          11:10.65    4   
  6 Nicholas McClure          11 North Stanly          11:10.75    3   
  7 Connor Detiveaux          11 Pine Lake Pr          11:20.73    2   
  8 Corbin Hasslinger         10 Pine Lake Pr          11:24.39    1   
  9 Pryor Rhinehardt          10 Mountain Isl          11:24.70  
 10 Montgomery Maddox         11 Pine Lake Pr          11:25.76  
 11 Isaac Thompson            10 Mountain Isl          11:55.24  
Event 63  Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
 Meet Record: R 4:10.48  2008        Bishop McGuinness                         
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Pine Lake Preparatory  'A'                          4:20.44   10   
     1) Abby Pike 9                     2) Caroline Ingram 10             
     3) Emily Dotson 12                 4) Rylee Hegedus 11               
  2 Mountain Island Charter School  'A'                 4:20.74    8   
     1) Hope Barwick 9                  2) Zahra Bichara 12               
     3) Hannah Butlak 11                4) Ella Barwick 11                
  3 Winston-Salem Prep Academy  'A'                     4:28.70    6   
     1) Tamia Johnson 12                2) Da Jonna Ortiz 9               
     3) Dajaneen Ortiz 12               4) Damyja Ortiz 11                
  4 Bishop McGuinness  'A'                              4:40.86    5   
     1) Julia Sullivan 10               2) Mary Grace Lipscomb 10         
     3) Monserat Garcia 11              4) Tate Chappell 10               
  5 East Surry  'A'                                     4:53.15    4   
     1) Bella Hutchens 9                2) Ansley Cardin 9                
     3) Addyson Sechrist 9              4) Madeline Dayton 9              
  6 Chatham Central  'A'                                5:03.96    3   
     1) Samantha Scott 10               2) Madison Gaines 12              
     3) Sadie Gaines 11                 4) Caroline Austin 9              
 -- Community School of Davidson  'A'                        DQ   zone infraction
     1) Amelia McMillan 12              2) Taylor Simoes 11               
     3) Lyndon Cock 11                  4) Leah Whiteside 10              
Event 64  Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
 Meet Record: R 3:30.00  5/14/2016   South Davidson, South Davids              
                         B Parrish, T Gallimore, A Bond, H Query           
    School                                               Finals  H# Points
  1 Mountain Island Charter School  'A'                 3:41.58   2  10   
     1) Connor Logue 10                 2) Giovanni Bernard 12            
     3) Reese Johnson 9                 4) Jacob Laughlin 12              
  2 Community School of Davidson  'A'                   3:42.50   2   8   
     1) Jacob Lee 10                    2) Gavin Tinnell 9                
     3) Daniel Ahearn 10                4) Jameson Davies 11              
  3 Pine Lake Preparatory  'A'                          3:42.68   2   6   
     1) Jack Baldwin 12                 2) Jeremy Shatsha 12              
     3) Lukas Valley 11                 4) Ben Kern 11                    
  4 Union Academy  'A'                                  3:48.48   2   5   
     1) Caleb Cox 11                    2) Andrew Horner 11               
     3) Nathan Swinney 10               4) Evan Mitchell 10               
  5 Bishop McGuinness  'A'                              3:48.49   1   4   
     1) Blake Miller 10                 2) David Armstrong 10             
     3) C J Pacholke 11                 4) Jorge Vidal 11                 
  6 South Stanly  'A'                                   3:52.99   1   3   
     1) Malik Kluttz 12                 2) Joseph Misenheimer 10          
     3) Tristen Patterson 9             4) Jameel Shaheed 10              
  7 Albemarle  'A'                                      3:54.63   2   2   
     1) Reyli Alvarez 9                 2) Isaiah Jones 10                
     3) Christian Poplin 12             4) Anthony Chambers 12            
  8 Corvian Community School  'A'                       3:55.02   2   1   
     1) Ben Slazer 11                   2) Anthony Mullins 10             
     3) Joshua Newkirk 10               4) Cole Fiorillo 9                
  9 East Surry  'A'                                     4:00.39   1 
     1) Isaiah Arrington 11             2) Colby Johnson 10               
     3) Sean McCain 9                   4) Joshua Parker 10               
                    Women - Team Rankings - 18 Events Scored
    1) North Rowan                 86        2) Pine Lake Preparatory      81.50
    3) North Stokes                80        4) Mountain Island Charter S  77   
    5) Community School of Davids  69        6) Winston-Salem Prep Academ  67   
    7) East Surry                  37        8) North Stanly               31   
    9) Union Academy               29       10) Mount Airy                 27   
   11) Bishop McGuinness           24       12) Albemarle                  18   
   13) Gray Stone Day School       16       14) Chatham Central            15   
   15) Bradford Prep Charter Scho  11       16) Millennium Charter Academ  10   
   16) South Davidson              10       18) South Stokes                5   
   19) Queen's Grant                3       20) North Moore                 0.50
                    Men - Team Rankings - 18 Events Scored
    1) Mountain Island Charter Sc 150.50     2) Pine Lake Preparatory      95   
    3) Mount Airy                  57        4) Community School of David  44   
    4) Albemarle                   44        6) East Surry                 43.50
    7) Bishop McGuinness           38        8) Union Academy              36   
    9) North Rowan                 31       10) Winston-Salem Prep Academ  24   
   11) South Davidson              23       12) North Stokes               21   
   13) Corvian Community School    20       14) South Stanly               19   
   15) South Stokes                17       16) North Stanly               12   
   17) Queen's Grant                3       17) Millennium Charter Academ   3   
   19) Gray Stone Day School        2       19) Bradford Prep Charter Sch   2