Meet Information
Meet Information
Dudley Mini Meet Invite #1 Morning Session
1.All NCHSAA and National Federation Rules will be enforced
2. Entry Process: On-Line entries through
2. Entry Process: On-Line entries through
3. Entry Deadline: Wednesday, 5/11/2021 at 11:00 pm.
4. ENTRY FEE: $50 per school: Unattached Athletes are not allowed. Club teams are not allowed. Mail check or bring it to the meet.Make Check payable to: Dudley Panthers Athletic Club (DPAC)
5. Entry Limits: Each athlete may compete in 4 events (Relays Included)
6. Entry Limits: 4 athletes per event per team, 1 Relay team per event
7. Include Athletes 2021 Best Performance
8. Spectator Admission: $5.00; Children under age 6 Free. Guilford County
Employee Passes are NOT ACCEPTED.
9. FAT Timing.
10. Scratch Meeting: None
11. Starting Heights: High Jump: Ladies - 4' 4" Men - 5' 4"
12. Shot and Discus Throw: 4 Throws No Finals
13. All shot put and discus must be inspected.
14. Long and Triple Jump: 4 Jumps No Finals:
15. Packet pick up will be outside the visitor side admission gate. All
athletes, coaches and managers MUST HAVE ON A WRIST BAND FOR ADMISSION. Wristbands will be issued only to those names listed on the entry form. Be sure to email me an attachment with the names of your assistant coaches and managers by May 11, 2021.
16. Concession stand will be open.
4. ENTRY FEE: $50 per school: Unattached Athletes are not allowed. Club teams are not allowed. Mail check or bring it to the meet.Make Check payable to: Dudley Panthers Athletic Club (DPAC)
5. Entry Limits: Each athlete may compete in 4 events (Relays Included)
6. Entry Limits: 4 athletes per event per team, 1 Relay team per event
7. Include Athletes 2021 Best Performance
8. Spectator Admission: $5.00; Children under age 6 Free. Guilford County
Employee Passes are NOT ACCEPTED.
9. FAT Timing.
10. Scratch Meeting: None
11. Starting Heights: High Jump: Ladies - 4' 4" Men - 5' 4"
12. Shot and Discus Throw: 4 Throws No Finals
13. All shot put and discus must be inspected.
14. Long and Triple Jump: 4 Jumps No Finals:
15. Packet pick up will be outside the visitor side admission gate. All
athletes, coaches and managers MUST HAVE ON A WRIST BAND FOR ADMISSION. Wristbands will be issued only to those names listed on the entry form. Be sure to email me an attachment with the names of your assistant coaches and managers by May 11, 2021.
16. Concession stand will be open.
Dudley Mini Meet Invite #1
8:30Track Opens
9:00-9:45 Implement Weigh In
9:30 Coaches Meeting
9:45 Track closes
10:00 Field Events
High Jump: Men followed by Women
Shot Put: Men followed by Women
DiscusWomen followed by Men
Women's Long Jump followed by Women's Triple Jump
Men's Long Jump followed by Men's Triple Jump
10:00 Timed Finals
4 x 800 Relay
100 Meter Hurdles
110 Meter Hurdles
100 Meter Dash
4x200 Meter Relay
1600 Meter Run
4x100 Meter Relay
400 Meter Dash
300 Meter Hurdles
800 Meter Run
200 Meter Dash
3200 Meter Run
4x400 Meter Relay
In all running events, women will precede men.