Printcrafters Invitational 2019

Statesville, NC
Timing/Results New and OldTimers


RaceTab by MileSplit/FloSports      Brent Bustle, New and OldTimers

              Printcrafters Invitational - 9/10/2019               
                 MacAnderson Park, Statesville, NC                 

                       Athlete Sign-In Sheet                       
       Bib # Athlete                   G Team                      
______    11 Andrews, Nicholas         M Bandys                    
______    12 Birkhofer Jr, David       M Bandys                    
______    13 Blackburn, Brandon        M Bandys                    
______     1 Buckminster, Lauren       F Bandys                    
______    14 Burkett, Bryson           M Bandys                    
______    15 Cantor-Cespedes, Mark     M Bandys                    
______    16 Carreon, Irvin            M Bandys                    
______     2 Cornette, Katie           F Bandys                    
______    17 Dugo, Braden              M Bandys                    
______     3 Hedrick, Emily            F Bandys                    
______     4 Hill, Grace               F Bandys                    
______    18 Hocking, Ayden            M Bandys                    
______     5 Joyner, Kynna             F Bandys                    
______     6 Lorch, Kayla              F Bandys                    
______    19 Miller, Michael           M Bandys                    
______    20 Muckler, Graceson         M Bandys                    
______     7 Oldenburg, Paige          F Bandys                    
______     8 Osteen, Olivia            F Bandys                    
______    21 Parham, Grant             M Bandys                    
______    22 Roseman, Dylan            M Bandys                    
______     9 Rosenberger, Kailey       F Bandys                    
______    23 Schronce, C.J.            M Bandys                    
______    10 Timberlake, Emma          F Bandys                    
______    24 Wright, Zackery           M Bandys                    
______    42 Baglio, Jackson           M Central Cabarrus          
______    30 Beckham, Leah             F Central Cabarrus          
______    43 Bergsmith, Ryan           M Central Cabarrus          
______    44 Carter, Zachariah         M Central Cabarrus          
______    45 Craig, Noah               M Central Cabarrus          
______    31 Dickason, Savannah        F Central Cabarrus          
______    32 Ferguson, Katie           F Central Cabarrus          
______    46 Garibo Martinez, Calbert  M Central Cabarrus          
______    33 Hanson, Taylor            F Central Cabarrus          
______    47 Hartman, Samuel           M Central Cabarrus          
______    48 Hawks, Ian                M Central Cabarrus          
______    49 Hill, Derek               M Central Cabarrus          
______    34 Holbert, Reilly           F Central Cabarrus          
______    50 Kirila, Colin             M Central Cabarrus          
______    35 Krum, Lauren              F Central Cabarrus          
______    51 Masterton, Luke           M Central Cabarrus          
______    36 McGee, Lacie              F Central Cabarrus          
______    52 Miller, Brandon           M Central Cabarrus          
______    37 Ojijo, Anndrea            F Central Cabarrus          
______    38 Ruiz, Soledad             F Central Cabarrus          
______    39 Sheridan, Meredith        F Central Cabarrus          
______    53 Sprouls, Ethan            M Central Cabarrus          
______    54 Steed, Dylan              M Central Cabarrus          
______    40 Thorton, Ava              F Central Cabarrus          
______    41 Wilmore, Taylor           F Central Cabarrus          
______    55 Workman, Sam              M Central Cabarrus          
______    61 Alexander, Mary           F Davidson Day School       
______    72 Barton, Aaron             M Davidson Day School       
______    73 Brazil, Adam              M Davidson Day School       
______    62 Brown, Ada                F Davidson Day School       
______    74 Carr, Max                 M Davidson Day School       
______    63 Fleming, Kate             F Davidson Day School       
______    64 Griffith, Piper           F Davidson Day School       
______    65 Hamme, Winter             F Davidson Day School       
______    66 Higbea, Hannah            F Davidson Day School       
______    67 Hughes, Emily             F Davidson Day School       
______    75 Laatsch, Carter           M Davidson Day School       
______    68 Mare, Kayla               F Davidson Day School       
______    69 Minaya, Melanie           F Davidson Day School       
______    70 Ratcliff, Charlotte       F Davidson Day School       
______    71 Ratcliff, Sophie          F Davidson Day School       
______    76 Slay, Ben                 M Davidson Day School       
______    77 Watson, Thomas            M Davidson Day School       
______    78 Zammitti, Mitchell        M Davidson Day School       
______    80 Avalos, Elizabeth         F East Rowan                
______    81 Bonner, Meredith          F East Rowan                
______    82 Carr, Ashley              F East Rowan                
______    88 Fabian, Daniel            M East Rowan                
______    89 Ferguson, Thomas          M East Rowan                
______    90 Greene, Carson            M East Rowan                
______    83 Harrison, Adalie          F East Rowan                
______    91 Ritchie, Cameron          M East Rowan                
______    92 Ritchie, Carson           M East Rowan                
______    93 Ritchie, Corbin           M East Rowan                
______    94 Self, Brayden             M East Rowan                
______    95 Self, Cohen               M East Rowan                
______    84 Turner, Bella             F East Rowan                
______    85 Vasquez, Alix             F East Rowan                
______    96 Whicker, Preston          M East Rowan                
______    97 Whitley, Adam             M East Rowan                
______    86 Wilhelm, Morrigan         F East Rowan                
______    87 Wortmann, Malin           F East Rowan                
______   122 Arnold, Aaron             M Jesse Carson              
______   100 Barbee, Kendall           F Jesse Carson              
______   123 Barbee, Zac               M Jesse Carson              
______   101 Barrera, Kimberly         F Jesse Carson              
______   102 Borst, Haley              F Jesse Carson              
______   103 Borst, Makayla            F Jesse Carson              
______   104 Borst, Sydney             F Jesse Carson              
______   124 Bost, Thomas              M Jesse Carson              
______   125 Brink, Zac                M Jesse Carson              
______   105 Brown, Montana            F Jesse Carson              
______   126 Burgess, Colby            M Jesse Carson              
______   127 Burrell, Kendall          M Jesse Carson              
______   128 Carpenter, Elijah         M Jesse Carson              
______   106 Conrad, Taylor            F Jesse Carson              
______   107 Corley, Camden            F Jesse Carson              
______   129 Curlee, Wyatt             M Jesse Carson              
______   108 Deal, Megan               F Jesse Carson              
______   109 DeNicholas, Kayla         F Jesse Carson              
______   110 Ennis, Makayla            F Jesse Carson              
______   130 Evans, Jaxon              M Jesse Carson              
______   111 Green, Carly              F Jesse Carson              
______   131 Harmon, Jacob             M Jesse Carson              
______   112 Hernandez, Raelie         F Jesse Carson              
______   113 Hudson, Maria             F Jesse Carson              
______   114 Isley, Lani               F Jesse Carson              
______   132 Issacs, Cole              M Jesse Carson              
______   133 Johnson, Trey             M Jesse Carson              
______   134 Jones, TJ                 M Jesse Carson              
______   135 Kirchbaum, Ian            M Jesse Carson              
______   115 Lemasters, Victoria       F Jesse Carson              
______   116 Post, Victoria            F Jesse Carson              
______   136 Price, Jackson            M Jesse Carson              
______   117 Readling, Bella           F Jesse Carson              
______   118 Sanns, Krystal            F Jesse Carson              
______   119 Sokolowski, Brynn         F Jesse Carson              
______   137 Sokolowski, John          M Jesse Carson              
______   138 Stewart, Alex             M Jesse Carson              
______   120 Utley, Hannah             F Jesse Carson              
______   139 Wheeler, Jaxon            M Jesse Carson              
______   121 Wilhelm, Ellie            F Jesse Carson              
______   200 Abell, Vittoria           F Lake Norman               
______   250 Aldridge, Preston         M Lake Norman               
______   251 Aley, Justice             M Lake Norman               
______   252 Anzalone, William         M Lake Norman               
______   201 Bassinger, Maggie         F Lake Norman               
______   202 Bayrak, Angelina          F Lake Norman               
______   203 Beaver, Katie             F Lake Norman               
______   204 Beckwith, Riley           F Lake Norman               
______   205 Benei, Julianna           F Lake Norman               
______   206 Bienstock, Ashley         F Lake Norman               
______   253 Brannen, Miller           M Lake Norman               
______   207 Brannen, Molly            F Lake Norman               
______   254 Brosel, Chase             M Lake Norman               
______   208 Brown, Rachael            F Lake Norman               
______   255 Burke, Jake               M Lake Norman               
______   256 Christopher, Michael      M Lake Norman               
______   209 Cook, Sydney              F Lake Norman               
______   210 Crawford, Avery           F Lake Norman               
______   257 Day, Thomas               M Lake Norman               
______   258 Deaver, Logan             M Lake Norman               
______   211 Dempster, Mae-Bea         F Lake Norman               
______   212 Ellis, Anna               F Lake Norman               
______   259 Endicott, Caleb           M Lake Norman               
______   260 Ernsberger, Nate          M Lake Norman               
______   213 Franco, Alessandra        F Lake Norman               
______   214 Freeman, Abigail          F Lake Norman               
______   261 Friedman, Nicholas        M Lake Norman               
______   262 Fujita, Takumi            M Lake Norman               
______   215 Fujita, Yui               F Lake Norman               
______   216 Galla, Elizabeth          F Lake Norman               
______   217 Gamble, Charley           F Lake Norman               
______   263 Goodrich, Justin          M Lake Norman               
______   264 Graves, Dalton            M Lake Norman               
______   265 Greene, Wesley            M Lake Norman               
______   266 Guerrin, Carter           M Lake Norman               
______   218 Hand, Morgan              F Lake Norman               
______   219 Hoffses, Natalie          F Lake Norman               
______   267 Horner, Griffin           M Lake Norman               
______   220 Huecker, Maddie           F Lake Norman               
______   268 Hunter-Eldridge, Phineas  M Lake Norman               
______   221 Jackson, Payton           F Lake Norman               
______   269 Joyce, Owen               M Lake Norman               
______   270 Kapp, Trent               M Lake Norman               
______   222 Kurtz, Ashley             F Lake Norman               
______   223 Lewis, Bryce              F Lake Norman               
______   224 Lewis, Connor             F Lake Norman               
______   225 Lewis, Paris              F Lake Norman               
______   226 Loring, Mary              F Lake Norman               
______   271 Mankus, Brad              M Lake Norman               
______   227 Maroulakis, Trinity       F Lake Norman               
______   228 Matas, Claire             F Lake Norman               
______   272 McKnight, Kai             M Lake Norman               
______   273 McKnight, Kier            M Lake Norman               
______   229 Mendoza, Kimberly         F Lake Norman               
______   230 Mendoza, Vanessa          F Lake Norman               
______   274 Mosley, Jay               M Lake Norman               
______   275 Nath, Shrest              M Lake Norman               
______   231 New, Mackenzie            F Lake Norman               
______   276 Nicholson, Dylen          M Lake Norman               
______   277 O'Donnell, Andrew         M Lake Norman               
______   232 Okyere, Daniella          F Lake Norman               
______   233 Ormond, Emily             F Lake Norman               
______   234 Peterson, Natalie         F Lake Norman               
______   278 Quinn, Declan             M Lake Norman               
______   279 Reardon, Sam              M Lake Norman               
______   235 Reitmeyer, Malia          F Lake Norman               
______   280 Romenello, Sebastian      M Lake Norman               
______   281 Rongo, Austin             M Lake Norman               
______   236 Rosenlund, Julie          F Lake Norman               
______   282 Salsgiver, Veno           M Lake Norman               
______   283 Schafer, Lane             M Lake Norman               
______   284 Schott, Ayden             M Lake Norman               
______   237 Schwartz, Katie           F Lake Norman               
______   285 Scott, Jonathan           M Lake Norman               
______   286 Senos, Jack               M Lake Norman               
______   287 Sridher, Sarvesh          M Lake Norman               
______   238 Stolberg, Kaleigh         F Lake Norman               
______   239 Stolberg, Madeline        F Lake Norman               
______   240 Strimaitis, Gabija        F Lake Norman               
______   241 Sursi, Madelyn            F Lake Norman               
______   242 Thompson, Annie           F Lake Norman               
______   243 Thompson, Mary            F Lake Norman               
______   244 Tolbert, Andi             F Lake Norman               
______   245 Van Epps, Abigaile        F Lake Norman               
______   246 Walters, Sydney           F Lake Norman               
______   247 Warren, Sinclaire         F Lake Norman               
______   288 Weaver, Grant             M Lake Norman               
______   248 Weimer, Rachel            F Lake Norman               
______   249 Whatley, Alexis           F Lake Norman               
______   289 White, Jonathan           M Lake Norman               
______   290 Wiger, Jackson            M Lake Norman               
______   291 Yanes, Alex               M Lake Norman               
______   306 Adair, Matthew            M Maiden High               
______   307 Burns, Jacob              M Maiden High               
______   308 Guernsey, Christopher     M Maiden High               
______   309 Huffman, Drew             M Maiden High               
______   310 Huffman, Jacob            M Maiden High               
______   311 Inscoe, Preston           M Maiden High               
______   300 Landis, Macy              F Maiden High               
______   312 Miller, John              M Maiden High               
______   301 Mroz, Liz                 F Maiden High               
______   302 Parker, McKenna           F Maiden High               
______   303 Poovey, Noelle            F Maiden High               
______   313 Reed, Luke                M Maiden High               
______   304 Rodriguez, Alexa          F Maiden High               
______   314 Smathers, Hunter          M Maiden High               
______   305 Wayne, Kylin              F Maiden High               
______   315 Yang, Zeng                M Maiden High               
______   330 Balcazar, Nahomi          F Mooresville               
______   347 Barton, Ashtyn            M Mooresville               
______   348 Blackwelder, Eli          M Mooresville               
______   331 D'Amico, Abby             F Mooresville               
______   349 Davis, Hayes              M Mooresville               
______   332 Decker, Alena             F Mooresville               
______   350 Decker, Caleb             M Mooresville               
______   351 Dunn, Noah                M Mooresville               
______   352 Ferrara, Matt             M Mooresville               
______   333 Foldoe, Emily             F Mooresville               
______   334 Freeze, Landry            F Mooresville               
______   353 Gonzalez, Damien          M Mooresville               
______   354 Green, Josh               M Mooresville               
______   355 Heal, Aiden               M Mooresville               
______   356 Hiralal, Eric             M Mooresville               
______   357 Hobert, Michael           M Mooresville               
______   335 Homburger, Sami           F Mooresville               
______   358 Jones, Eric               M Mooresville               
______   336 Kalinina, Julia           F Mooresville               
______   359 Kremar, Clark             M Mooresville               
______   360 Lanning, Andrew           M Mooresville               
______   337 Maadir, Ranya             F Mooresville               
______   361 Martinez, Michael         M Mooresville               
______   362 Martinez, Pablo           M Mooresville               
______   338 Moore, Ella               F Mooresville               
______   363 Morrison, Will            M Mooresville               
______   364 Morrow, John              M Mooresville               
______   339 Neigel, Lyndsy            F Mooresville               
______   365 Noblezada, Jaiden         M Mooresville               
______   366 Piecuch, Devan            M Mooresville               
______   367 Poole, Jacob              M Mooresville               
______   340 Pratt, Briana             F Mooresville               
______   341 Rockness, Ciarra          F Mooresville               
______   342 Rockness, Kailie          F Mooresville               
______   343 Rondinelli- Albarran, Ven F Mooresville               
______   368 Schroeder, Jt             M Mooresville               
______   369 Smith, Tanner             M Mooresville               
______   370 Stissel, Cooper           M Mooresville               
______   344 Stissel, Kayla            F Mooresville               
______   371 Sutherland, Nate          M Mooresville               
______   372 Verity, Alex              M Mooresville               
______   345 Villada, Katherin         F Mooresville               
______   346 Welborn, Chloe            F Mooresville               
______   423 Allen, Cullen             M North Iredell             
______   400 Benefield, Ellie          F North Iredell             
______   401 Bradley, Sarah            F North Iredell             
______   402 Brown, Sarah              F North Iredell             
______   424 Campbell, Carter          M North Iredell             
______   425 Campbell, Trevor          M North Iredell             
______   403 Chenevy, Josie            F North Iredell             
______   404 Dowell, Daelyn            F North Iredell             
______   405 Drye, Abbey               F North Iredell             
______   426 Drye, Jordan              M North Iredell             
______   406 Flores, Jennifer          F North Iredell             
______   407 Gonzales, Yorianna        F North Iredell             
______   408 Guo, Lia                  F North Iredell             
______   409 Hager, Tara               F North Iredell             
______   410 Haire, Caitlin            F North Iredell             
______   427 Hall, Jonathan            M North Iredell             
______   411 Hernandez, Amy            F North Iredell             
______   412 Hernandez, Iris           F North Iredell             
______   428 Hix, Steele               M North Iredell             
______   413 Lee, Alayna               F North Iredell             
______   414 Leonard, Sidney           F North Iredell             
______   429 Lopez, Hogo               M North Iredell             
______   430 Mahaffey, Patrick         M North Iredell             
______   415 Martin, Madison           F North Iredell             
______   416 Mclaughlin, Alayna        F North Iredell             
______   417 Miller, Kaitlyn           F North Iredell             
______   431 Myers, Ayden              M North Iredell             
______   418 Nieto, Natalia            F North Iredell             
______   419 Palacios, Michelle        F North Iredell             
______   420 Palacios, Stephanie       F North Iredell             
______   432 Pero, Justin              M North Iredell             
______   433 Riddle, Phillip           M North Iredell             
______   434 Steed, Ivory              M North Iredell             
______   421 Strange, Jonna            F North Iredell             
______   435 Troutman, Hunter          M North Iredell             
______   422 Vargas, Angelina          F North Iredell             
______   436 Volpe, Mario              M North Iredell             
______   447 Andrews, Blake            M Northwest Cabarrus        
______   440 Andrews, Olivia           F Northwest Cabarrus        
______   448 Bass, Graham              M Northwest Cabarrus        
______   449 Bass, Maddox              M Northwest Cabarrus        
______   450 Beaver, Alex              M Northwest Cabarrus        
______   451 Beaver, Cameron           M Northwest Cabarrus        
______   441 Bradshaw, Lauren          F Northwest Cabarrus        
______   452 Evans, Owen               M Northwest Cabarrus        
______   453 Foster, Eli               M Northwest Cabarrus        
______   454 Garcia, Gregory           M Northwest Cabarrus        
______   455 Linkel, Luke              M Northwest Cabarrus        
______   442 Mitchell, Allison         F Northwest Cabarrus        
______   456 Patel, Raj                M Northwest Cabarrus        
______   457 Patterson, Braden         M Northwest Cabarrus        
______   458 Rowe, Coleson             M Northwest Cabarrus        
______   443 Sexton, Claire            F Northwest Cabarrus        
______   444 Siemon, Grace             F Northwest Cabarrus        
______   445 Sims, Carrol              F Northwest Cabarrus        
______   446 Weaver, Kristina          F Northwest Cabarrus        
______   459 Whitaker, Jonovan         M Northwest Cabarrus        
______   500 Allen, Catherine          F South Iredell             
______   536 Battle, Zion              M South Iredell             
______   501 Brannen, Abby             F South Iredell             
______   537 Brannen, David            M South Iredell             
______   538 Childress, Matthew        M South Iredell             
______   539 Christian, Owen           M South Iredell             
______   540 Clark, Drew               M South Iredell             
______   541 Cleaves, Kevin            M South Iredell             
______   502 Cooper, Carolina          F South Iredell             
______   503 Crabb, Keira              F South Iredell             
______   542 Crellin, Colton           M South Iredell             
______   504 Cusick, Katelyn           F South Iredell             
______   505 Daneffel, Julia           F South Iredell             
______   506 Dennis, Carson            F South Iredell             
______   543 Driver, John              M South Iredell             
______   544 Einroth, Riley            M South Iredell             
______   545 Eliseo, Jack              M South Iredell             
______   546 Fetch, Andrew             M South Iredell             
______   547 Ficenec, Zachary          M South Iredell             
______   548 Finley, Houston           M South Iredell             
______   549 Glosser, Benjamin         M South Iredell             
______   507 Hager, Abigail            F South Iredell             
______   508 Hall, Laney               F South Iredell             
______   509 Hayden, Jacqueline        F South Iredell             
______   510 Hayden, Madeline          F South Iredell             
______   511 Herrera, Leyla            F South Iredell             
______   512 Jones, Parker             F South Iredell             
______   550 Karbo, Kevin              M South Iredell             
______   513 Kephart, Alexis           F South Iredell             
______   551 Kerley, Christopher       M South Iredell             
______   514 Lancaster, Elizabeth      F South Iredell             
______   515 Leon, Emma                F South Iredell             
______   516 Lowrance, Grace           F South Iredell             
______   552 Mallory, Aaron            M South Iredell             
______   553 Mallory, Aiden            M South Iredell             
______   517 Martin, Rhiannon          F South Iredell             
______   554 Martin, Rhys              M South Iredell             
______   518 Mccune, Maya              F South Iredell             
______   555 Mckean, Hayden            M South Iredell             
______   556 Moore, Brandon            M South Iredell             
______   519 Moore, Kathleen           F South Iredell             
______   557 Nance, Harrison           M South Iredell             
______   558 Nance, Wyatt              M South Iredell             
______   520 O'Neill, Carli            F South Iredell             
______   559 Palmeter, Jadon           M South Iredell             
______   521 Parlier, Mary             F South Iredell             
______   560 Patterson, Bailey         M South Iredell             
______   522 Perez, Teresa             F South Iredell             
______   561 Phillips, Cooper          M South Iredell             
______   562 Reep, Aiden               M South Iredell             
______   563 Regunath, Sreyan          M South Iredell             
______   523 Risner, Elisabeth         F South Iredell             
______   524 Rodden, Emily             F South Iredell             
______   564 Rodgers, Quinlan          M South Iredell             
______   565 Sanders, Michael          M South Iredell             
______   525 Sholar, Sammy             F South Iredell             
______   526 Sides, Emma               F South Iredell             
______   527 Sosa, Celeste             F South Iredell             
______   528 Stewart, Abigail          F South Iredell             
______   529 Stewart, Fallyn           F South Iredell             
______   566 Stewart, Jacob            M South Iredell             
______   567 Tang, Elijah              M South Iredell             
______   568 Taylor, Isaiah            M South Iredell             
______   530 Vinculado, Julienne       F South Iredell             
______   569 Weber, Adam               M South Iredell             
______   531 Weddington, Abby          F South Iredell             
______   532 Weidman, Abby             F South Iredell             
______   533 Williams, Isabelle        F South Iredell             
______   570 Winters, Elijah           M South Iredell             
______   534 Wright, Meredith          F South Iredell             
______   571 Young, Jacob              M South Iredell             
______   535 Young, Kylie              F South Iredell             
______   572 Zmijewski, Andrew         M South Iredell             
______   580 Acosta, Brittany          F Statesville               
______   598 Bassinger, Zach           M Statesville               
______   599 Beaver, Gage              M Statesville               
______   581 Cothren, Caroline         F Statesville               
______   600 Dishman, Joseph           M Statesville               
______   582 Eccles, Raegan            F Statesville               
______   583 Evans, Savannah           F Statesville               
______   584 Freese, Brianna           F Statesville               
______   601 Govardhan, Mohnish        M Statesville               
______   602 Govardhan, Yajat          M Statesville               
______   585 Haydt, Tiffany            F Statesville               
______   586 Hernandez, Laura          F Statesville               
______   587 Hole, Molly               F Statesville               
______   588 Johnson, Phillina         F Statesville               
______   589 Jones, Sophia             F Statesville               
______   603 Kauffman, Isaac           M Statesville               
______   604 Miller, Grant             M Statesville               
______   590 Restrepo, Daniela         F Statesville               
______   605 Rinberg, Jonah            M Statesville               
______   591 Rios, Sara                F Statesville               
______   592 Roach, Olivia             F Statesville               
______   606 Rufty, Parker             M Statesville               
______   593 Simmons, Maddie           F Statesville               
______   607 Soencer, Nelson           M Statesville               
______   594 Stevenson, Sydney         F Statesville               
______   595 Stockman, Madison         F Statesville               
______   596 Townsell, Karli           F Statesville               
______   597 Vargas, Piper             F Statesville               
______   608 Williams, Dominic         M Statesville               
______   610 Antunez, Elizabeth        F Surry Central             
______   611 Antunez, Yulisa           F Surry Central             
______   612 Dawson, McKenzie          F Surry Central             
______   619 Edmonds, Brady            M Surry Central             
______   620 Fowler, Miles             M Surry Central             
______   621 Garland, Bryce            M Surry Central             
______   613 Hernandez, Abigail        F Surry Central             
______   622 Hernandez, Charlie        M Surry Central             
______   623 Jones, Carter             M Surry Central             
______   614 Lester, Brooklyn          F Surry Central             
______   615 Marion, Claire            F Surry Central             
______   624 Mitchell, Jacob           M Surry Central             
______   625 Morales, Hector           M Surry Central             
______   616 Osorio, Yadira            F Surry Central             
______   617 Poindexter, Audrey        F Surry Central             
______   618 Prevette, Peggy           F Surry Central             
______   626 Vega, Diego               M Surry Central             
______   627 Wyble, Elek               M Surry Central             
______   634 Brinskelle, Jack          M West Iredell              
______   630 Earnhardt, Winter         F West Iredell              
______   635 Fox, Ryan                 M West Iredell              
______   631 Gonzalez-Serrano, Melinda F West Iredell              
______   636 Ivey, Zac                 M West Iredell              
______   632 LaClair, Aslan            F West Iredell              
______   633 Milliron, Madison         F West Iredell              
______   637 Perkins, Tristan          M West Iredell              
______   638 Rosenbalm, Dillion        M West Iredell              
______   639 Sanders, Eric             M West Iredell              
______   640 Tillery, Walt             M West Iredell              
______   659 Ackman, Damian            M West Rowan                
______   650 Ackman, Kaitlyn           F West Rowan                
______   660 Barclay, Carter           M West Rowan                
______   661 Barclay, Drake            M West Rowan                
______   662 Blevins, Jake             M West Rowan                
______   663 Bogle, Jacob              M West Rowan                
______   664 Brohan, Jesse             M West Rowan                
______   651 Calleja, Jocalyn          F West Rowan                
______   665 Castro, Issac             M West Rowan                
______   666 Dailey, Matthew           M West Rowan                
______   652 Harrison, Anna            F West Rowan                
______   667 Harrison, Luke            M West Rowan                
______   668 Hedrick, Austin           M West Rowan                
______   669 Irons, Bruce              M West Rowan                
______   653 Kwitowski, Evelyn         F West Rowan                
______   654 Lentz, Katelyn            F West Rowan                
______   670 Martlock, Owen            M West Rowan                
______   671 Mason, Bryce              M West Rowan                
______   655 McDaniel, Madison         F West Rowan                
______   672 Perry, Jacob              M West Rowan                
______   673 Simmerson, Seth           M West Rowan                
______   656 Smith, Taylor             F West Rowan                
______   657 Spicer, Megyn             F West Rowan                
______   658 Thompson, Jewelle         F West Rowan                
______   674 Upright, Max              M West Rowan