Meet Information
17TH ANNUAL DICK WILLIAMS INVITATIONAL - Meet is open to all High School Men teams.
Entry fee is $75 per team. Individual athletes will be charged $10.00 per event. If a relay team is entered, the fee will remain at the $75 team fee. Make all checks payable to East Mecklenburg Booster Club. Payment must be received by Wednesday April 24th or entries will not be accepted. Payment may be sent via courier (#377) or mailed to East Mecklenburg High School, attention Sam Bryant. Teams that enter the meet, but do not compete, are still responsible for the entry fee.
Each team is limited to 3 athletes per running event, 2 athletes per field event, and 1 team per relay.Medals and an overall team champion awards will be awarded. Medals willbe given to the top 3 men in eachevent. This meet will be scored through sixplaces. There will be a coaches meeting at 3:45 p.m. with field events starting at 4:15 p.m. (Discus and Shot Put - 4 throws, no finals, Long Jump and Triple Jump - 4 jumps, no finals) High Jump starts at 5'6" and Pole Vault at 8'6". Running events will start at 5:00 p.m. Since all events are timed finals, it is important that you be very accurate with entry times for seeding purposes.