Pioneer Clash of the Classes 2018

Boone, NC

Senior Girls

Watauga HIgh School Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER	12:57	PM	8/18/2018	Page	1
Pioneer Clash of the Classes -	8/18/2018
Watauga High School

Event 8 Girls 2	Mile Run CC Senior
pl	name	yr	team		time
1	Duke, Erin	12	West Stokes	6:36	13:12
2	Bruce, Erin	12	Daniel Boone	6:41	13:22
3	McCoy, Marley	12	Daniel Boone	6:50	13:39
4	Cloud, Alanna	12	Daniel Boone	6:54	13:48
5	Curtis, Hannah	12	Watauga	7:04	14:07	1
6	Beach, Emma	12	Watauga	7:06	14:11	2
7	Ward, Makayla	12	Central Davidson	7:07	14:14
8	Reyes, Sinia	12	West Forsyth	7:08	14:15	3
9	Reynolds, Blake	12	Central Davidson	7:12	14:24
10	Miller, Lexi	12	West Forsyth	7:14	14:27	4
11	Mercer, Mia	12	North Davidson	7:26	14:51
12	Tzotschew, Emma	12	Watauga	7:46	15:31	5
13	Cutlip, Savannah	12	Central Davidson	7:50	15:40
14	Jackson, Hunter	12	West Stokes	8:01	16:02
15	Heath, Sarah	12	Alexander Central	8:05	16:10
16	Shiflett, Sage	12	Hibriten	8:11	16:22
17	Lawrence, McKenzie	12	Hibriten	8:19	16:37
18	Rhyne, Rylie	12	Alexander Central	8:33	17:05
19	Brown, Zoe	12	Watauga	8:37	17:13	6
20	Hutmacher, Abby	12	West Forsyth	8:56	17:52	7
21	Bean, Madison	12	West Forsyth	9:02	18:04	8
22	O'Neal, Kendall	12	West Forsyth	9:04	18:07	9
23	McKinney, Regan	12	Avery County	9:06	18:12
24	Gulden, Emily	12	A.C. Reynolds	9:12	18:24
25	Wright, Brooke	12	Avery County	9:15	18:29
26	Meadows, Breanna	12	Watauga	9:29	18:57	10
27	Lester, Emma	12	West Forsyth	9:29	18:57	11
28	Daniels, Haley	11	Central Davidson	9:38	19:15
29	Hill, Destiny	12	West Forsyth	11:37	23:14	12
30	Lambert, Taylor	12	West Wilkes	14:59	29:57
Team Scores
Rank Team Total	1	2	3	4	5	*6	*7	*8	*9
1	Watauga	24	1	2	5	6	10
Total Time:	1:19:59.00
Average:	15:59.80
2	West Forsyth	31	3	4	7	8	9	11	12
Total Time:	1:22:45.00
Average:	16:33.00