Meet Information
Due to the effects of the Hurricane Flo we have rescheduled the Bo Run for September 29, 2018!
Boyd Lee Park, Greenville, NC
Hosted by DH Conley HS and Coach Choo Track Club
NOTE: We plan on having the schools names on the t-shirts, so please let me know if your school is planning on coming by September 1st so we can let the T-shirt printers know to include your school on the shirts! Click here to enter your team (you can add runner names later) :
Tentative Race Schedule
8:00am Bo Run citizen's race (3k)
9:00am Middle School Race (3k)
Scored race for middle school teams and individuals (unlimited entries)
No entry fee for Middle School teams!
Trophies for first Boys and Girls team, Medals for top 10 boy and top 10 girl finishers
9:30am Boys Championship (5k)
Scored race for larger schools and/or "A" teams (Unlimited entries)
Trophies for top 3 teams, Medals for top 25 finishers
10:00am Girls Championship (5k)
Scored race for larger schools and/or "A" teams (Unlimited entries)
Trophies for top 3 teams /Medals for top 25 finishers
10:35am Boys Invitational (5k)
Scored race for smaller schools and/or "B" teams (Unlimited entries)
Trophies for top 3 teams / Medals for top 25 finishers
11:05am Girls Invitational (5k)
Scored race for smaller schools and/or "B" teams (Unlimited entries)
Trophies for top 3 teams / Medals for top 25 finishers
Boys and Girls JV Race (5k) CANCELED
Unlimited entries, boys and girls from any school (Middle school runners can also run in this race!)
Medals for top 10 boy and girl finishers
11:40am -Awards
-Rosters are due by September 19th, Register online at
-Please only enter names of athletes expected to run, we are using chip timing so it costs us for each runner who is registered whether they participate or not. We will accommodate name changes on meet day if you need to switch runners names.
-Coaches do not have to designate which race runners are going to run. Questions about entries? E-mail
Entry Fees:-$125 per high school, or $75 if you are only entering a boys team or only entering a girls team. This entry covers unlimited number of runners in the meet!
-Please note - No entry fee for Middle School teams!
-Bring entry fee to the meet, checks should be made out to "DHC Cross Country - Bo Run"
-Note: Due to Pitt Country HS Athletics rule private schools are unable to participate.
Course maps:
5K COURSE MAP (for Varsity and JV Races)
3K COURSE MAP ( for Middle School Race)
Boyd Lee Park 5184 Corey Rd Greenville, NC 28590 (252) 329-4550 Google map of Boyd Lee Park
Got Questions?
E-mail Coach Charlie "Choo" Justice -