Meet Information

10th Annual Neal Morris Invitational

Invitational Track and Field Meet

Saturday, March 17, 2018

High Point Athletic Complex

1. All NCHSAA and National Federation Rules will be enforced

2. Entry Process: On-Line entries through

3. Entry Deadline: Monday, March 12 at 8:59 pm.

Late Registration Fee: $50.00 per team; $5.00 per Individual athlete*.

Late Registration Deadline: Wednesday, March 14, 2018 at 8:59 am.

4. ENTRY FEE: $125.00 per school: Bringing both Men & Women

$70.00 Single team (Men or Women Only); 4 athletes constitutes a team.

$10.00 per Individual Athlete* (Not with a full team)

NO Unattached Athletes or Club teams allowed.


Make Check payable to: T. W. Andrews Athletics

5. Entry Limits: Each athlete may compete in 4 events (Relays Included)

6. Entry Limits: 3 athletes per event per team, 1 Relay team per event

7. Include Athletes 2018 Best Performance

8. Spectator Admission: $5.00; Children under age 6 Free.

Guilford County Employee Passes are NOT ACCEPTED.

9. FAT Timing by Rhodes Race Timing



12. Scratch Meeting: None

13. Starting Heights: High Jump: Ladies - 4' 4" Men - 5' 4"

Pole Vault: Ladies -7 0 Men 8 6

14. Shot and Discus Throw: 4 Throws No Finals

15. Meet Management will provide all shot puts and rubber discs. All non-rubber discs must be

Inspected by 9:30.

16. Long and Triple Jump: 4 Jumps No Finals: (The facility currently has only 1 jump pit;

therefore only the Top 16 long and triple jumpers will compete.)

17. PACKET PICK-UP: Outside the Admission gate. All athletes, coaches and managers

MUST HAVE ON A WRIST BAND FOR ADMISSION. Wristbands will be issued only for those

names listed on the entry form. Be sure to email me an attachment with the names of your

assistant coaches and managers by Tuesday, March 13, 2018 at 9:00am.

18. NO Boom Boxes are allowed in the stadium or in the parking lot next to the stadium.

19. Concession stand will be open.

20. Awards: Medals to Top 3 Finishers

Team Award for the Champion

2018 Neal Morris Invitational Time Schedule

8:30 am Gates Open and Packet Pick-up

8:45 am Implement and Mens Pole Vault Weigh-ins (All Implement and Mens Pole Vault

Weigh-ins will CLOSE at 9:30 am. Womens pole vaulters will weigh prior to the beginning of womens vault competition)

9:00 am Officials-Coaches Meeting

Field Events

10:00 am Mens Pole Vault followed by Women

10:00 am Mens Discus Throw followed by Women

10:00 am Mens Long Jump followed by Womens Long Jump

Mens Triple Jump will follow Womens Long Jump

Womens Triple Jump will follow Mens Triple Jump

10:00 am Womens Shot Put followed by Men

10:00 am Womens High Jump followed by Men

Running Events:

10:00 am 4 x 800 Relay Finals (Women followed by Men)

11:00 110 Meter Hurdles Semi-Finals

100 Meter Hurdles Semi-Finals

100 Meter Dash Semi-Finals (Men followed by Women)

12:00 3200 Meter Run Unseeded Section

ALL SECTIONS TIMED FINALS: Rolling Schedule (Women followed by Men)

1:00 pm 100/110 Meter Hurdles

100 Meter Dash

4 x 200 Meter Relay

1600 Meter Run

4 x 100 Meter Relay

400 Meter Dash

300 Meter Hurdles

800 Meter Run

200 Meter Dash

3200 Elite Meter Run: Top 12

4 x 400 Meter Relay

For More Information and Schedule, Contact:

DePaul Mittman, Meet Director
