Invitational Boys


                                                           10:20 AM INVITATIONAL HS BOYS

                                                                    Team Results

                   Place       Team Name            Team Score      1st      2nd     3rd     4th     5th     6th       7th

                   1           West Henderson HS    94              8        11      14      15      46      52        84

                   2           Nash Central High    146             4        6       37      39      60      61        78


                   3           Charlotte Catholic   184             23       31      42      43      45      68        75


                   4           NW Cabarrus High     193             7        32      41      50      63      145


                   5           Cedar Ridge High     197             10       21      49      55      62      85        127


                   6           Ragsdale High        222             13       36      47      53      73      95        107


                   7           Forsyth Country      234             22       28      48      65      71      72        121

                               Day School

                   8           Cardinal Gibbons     258             1        35      57      74      91      108       128


                   9           Northwood High       344             17       26      70      113     118     131       165


                   10          Rockingham County    351             58       66      69      76      82      83        86


                   11          Marvin Ridge High    376             44       64      67      92      109


                   12          South Stokes High    385             24       25      97      119     120     175


                   13          Overhills High       399             29       30      94      96      150     170


                   14          REIDSVILLE HS        407             3        18      80      125     181

                   15          polk County          421             9        20      87      147     158     160       177


                   16          altavista high       441             2        93      101     103     142     157       171


                   17          Parkland High        446             38       40      88      137     143     174       187


                   18          wakefield high       468             5        79      115     129     140


                   19          North Raleigh        471             16       77      112     114     152     168

                               Christian Academy

                   20          Greensboro Day       473             12       19      136     139     167     176       185

                   21          Southwest            485             33       54      100     126     172     173       183

                   22          Carrboro High        535             89       90      106     116     134     141       163


                   23          Ledford High         539             98       102     104     105     130     133       146


                   24          Southern Nash        541             34       81      123     149     154     155

                   25          Cary Christian       569             27       51      148     151     192


                   26          Falls Road Baptist   593             59       99      117     122     196

                               Church School

                   27          Patrick County       700             56       135     156     169     184

                               High School

                   28          Southeast Guilford   704             111      132     138     161     162     186       190

                   29          East Davidson HS     800             124      144     166     178     188     189       191

                   30          Glenn High School    821             110      159     179     180     193

                   31          Western Guilford     888             153      164     182     194     195



                                                              10:20 AM INVITATIONAL HS BOYS

                                                                   Individual Results

                   Place   Race #    Time             First Name         Last Name          Team                   Grade

                   1       184       00:16:16.5       Mark               Sullivan           Cardinal Gibbons  HS   Sophomore

                   2       24        00:16:34.4       andrew             rigler             altavista high         Freshman


                   3       1613      00:16:37.8       ZACHARY            BRYAN              REIDSVILLE HS          Senior

                   4       1225      00:16:39.5       Dillon             Hawley             Nash Central High      Junior


                   5       2040      00:16:54.6       Andy               Mikus              wakefield high         Senior


                   6       1235      00:16:55.1       Fabian             White              Nash Central High      Junior


                   7       1381      00:17:03.2       Chase              Fisher             NW Cabarrus High       Junior


                   8       1293      00:17:05.9       David              Riska              North Surry HS         Senior

                   9       2201      00:17:07.3       Dylan              Ellison            West Henderson HS      Senior

                   10      1549      00:17:13.0       John               Wolfe              polk County            Sophomore


                   11      241       00:17:13.5       Jeremy             Gerlach            Cedar Ridge High       Senior


                   12      2199      00:17:18.5       Alex               Cremer             West Henderson HS      Senior

                   13      723       00:17:20.9       Ryan               Carty              Greensboro Day         Junior

                   14      1579      00:17:21.5       Justin             Smith              Ragsdale High School   Junior

                   15      2198      00:17:23.3       Nick               Castellucci        West Henderson HS      Senior

                   16      2206      00:17:23.6       Spencer            Sharrits           West Henderson HS      Sophomore

                   17      2559      00:17:24.0       Unattached         Unattached         Unattached             Other

                   18      1264      00:17:25.3       Fadi               Hanna              North Raleigh          Freshman

                                                                                            Christian Academy

                   19      1371      00:17:28.2       Hart               Phillips           Northwood High         Senior


                   20      1615      00:17:28.5       JOHN               GLADMON            REIDSVILLE HS          Junior

                   21      735       00:17:31.1       Patrick            Nolan              Greensboro Day         Junior

                   22      1544      00:17:32.4       Noah               Hall               polk County            Junior


                   23      243       00:17:33.4       Stacy              Harden             Cedar Ridge High       Sophomore


                   24      557       00:17:35.4       Taylor             Twine              Forsyth Country Day    Senior


                   25      369       00:17:36.1       Harry              Hartenstine        Charlotte Catholic     Junior


                   26      1851      00:17:40.0       Ricky              Rivas              South Stokes High      Junior


                   27      1838      00:17:41.7       Will               Bennett            South Stokes High      Senior


                   28      1367      00:17:42.0       Dylan              Mathews            Northwood High         Junior


                   29      232       00:17:42.7       Grant              Woody              Cary Christian         Junior


                   30      545       00:17:43.4       Taylor             Boone              Forsyth Country Day    Sophomore


                   31      1415      00:17:43.9       Alberto            Womack             Overhills High         Senior


                   32      1414      00:17:44.5       Phillip            Vance              Overhills High         Freshman


                   33      382       00:17:45.7       Jake               Lewis              Charlotte Catholic     Senior


                   34      1387      00:17:48.6       Garrett            West               NW Cabarrus High       Junior


                   35      1934      00:17:50.2       Andrew             Kraszeski          Southwest              Senior

                   36      1916      00:17:50.8       Tyler              Turner             Southern Nash          Senior

                   37      178       00:17:52.0       Ryan               Magee              Cardinal Gibbons  HS   Senior

                   38      1565      00:17:53.9       Kyle               Brandenberg        Ragsdale High School   Junior

                   39      1220      00:17:54.6       Will               Bass               Nash Central High      Freshman


                   40      1497      00:17:55.3       Reyshawn           Council            Parkland High School   Junior

                   41      1236      00:17:56.2       Mason              Williams           Nash Central High      Freshman


                   42      1501      00:17:56.7       DRay               Hall               Parkland High School   Senior

                   43      1384      00:17:57.1       Kem                Noppakunkajorn     NW Cabarrus High       Senior


                   44      372       00:17:57.5       Dean               Iwaoka             Charlotte Catholic     Junior


                   45      366       00:18:01.0       Matthew            Flores             Charlotte Catholic     Sophomore


                   46      1022      00:18:01.4       Dillon             Collier            Marvin Ridge High      Junior


                   47      379       00:18:02.7       Mark               Lascara            Charlotte Catholic     Senior


                   48      277       00:18:03.4       Issac              Britt              Chapel Hill HS         Freshman

                   49      2202      00:18:07.7       Brandon            Hawkins            West Henderson HS      Sophomore

                   50      1571      00:18:08.7       Jake               Grondy             Ragsdale High School   Senior

                   51      553       00:18:09.6       Stephen            Rusterholz         Forsyth Country Day    Senior


                   52      240       00:18:11.2       Madison            Crum               Cedar Ridge High       Senior


                   53      1379      00:18:12.2       Micah              Arrants            NW Cabarrus High       Senior


                   54      228       00:18:12.6       Bobby              Mintz              Cary Christian         Freshman


                   55      2209      00:18:14.6       Matt               Thielke            West Henderson HS      Sophomore

                   56      1574      00:18:16.0       Joey               Mchugh             Ragsdale High School   Freshman

                   57      1917      00:18:19.5       Nich               Albrecht           Southwest              Senior

                   58      242       00:18:21.2       Phillip            Goodling           Cedar Ridge High       Sophomore


                   59      1522      00:18:22.9       Wells              Jerry              Patrick County High    Senior


                   60      185       00:18:23.1       Chris              Williams           Cardinal Gibbons  HS   Senior

                   61      2453      00:18:24.4       Seth               Barham             Rockingham County HS   Senior

                   62      2164      00:18:25.9       C.J.               Burleson           West Davidson          Senior

                   63      522       00:18:26.4       Adam               Stallings          Falls Road Baptist     Senior

                                                                                            Church School

                   64      1230      00:18:27.1       Tevin              Richardson         Nash Central High      Freshman


                   65      2639      00:18:27.4       Unattached         Unattached         Unattached             Other

                   66      1226      00:18:27.8       Jeremy             Judd               Nash Central High      Freshman


                   67      244       00:18:28.2       Silas              Hill               Cedar Ridge High       Freshman


                   68      1380      00:18:28.5       Lucas              Baity              NW Cabarrus High       Freshman


                   69      1023      00:18:28.8       Chris              Colo               Marvin Ridge High      Freshman


                   70      548       00:18:29.8       Westley            Fitch              Forsyth Country Day    Junior


                   71      2456      00:18:30.0       Dillon             James              Rockingham County HS   Senior

                   72      1028      00:18:31.0       Chris              Register           Marvin Ridge High      Sophomore


                   73      375       00:18:32.0       Ian                Jones              Charlotte Catholic     Senior


                   74      2454      00:18:34.5       Travis             Gilley             Rockingham County HS   Senior

                   75      1364      00:18:35.9       Alex               Hart               Northwood High         Senior


                   76      558       00:18:36.3       Philip             Waugh              Forsyth Country Day    Freshman


                   77      556       00:18:36.9       Hunter             Sturkie            Forsyth Country Day    Sophomore


                   78      1567      00:18:37.6       Austin             Conklin            Ragsdale High School   Senior

                   79      174       00:18:37.8       Kevin              Beigert            Cardinal Gibbons  HS   Sophomore

                   80      385       00:18:38.7       Andrew             McMahon            Charlotte Catholic     Senior


                   81      2457      00:18:39.6       Andy               Owens              Rockingham County HS   Senior

                   82      1297      00:18:40.0       Austin             Warren             North Surry HS         Junior

                   83      1265      00:18:40.3       Ryan               Hatton             North Raleigh          Freshman

                                                                                            Christian Academy

                   84      1233      00:18:41.0       Allen              Stanton            Nash Central High      Senior


                   85      2046      00:18:41.6       Spencer            Warren             wakefield high         Sophomore


                   86      1618      00:18:42.4       LAMAR              WHITE              REIDSVILLE HS          Junior

                   87      1913      00:18:42.8       Erick              Lara               Southern Nash          Junior

                   88      2458      00:18:44.1       Josh               French             Rockingham County HS   Sophomore

                   89      2455      00:18:44.5       Derek              Monjeau            Rockingham County HS   Junior

                   90      2205      00:18:44.8       Eric               Schreck            West Henderson HS      Sophomore

                   91      239       00:18:45.3       Madison            Cates              Cedar Ridge High       Junior


                   92      2459      00:18:46.2       Ben                Moore              Rockingham County HS   Junior

                   93      460       00:18:46.9       Chas               Watts              Durham School of the   Senior


                   94      1550      00:18:47.2       Travis             Yoder              polk County            Senior


                   95      1504      00:18:50.3       Juan               Stimpson           Parkland High School   Senior

                   96      206       00:18:50.7       Michael            Morken             Carrboro High School   Freshman

                   97      211       00:18:51.2       Eliot              Pahel-Short        Carrboro High School   Freshman

                   98      177       00:18:52.2       Adam               Hampton            Cardinal Gibbons  HS   Sophomore

                   99      1029      00:18:53.2       Chris              Van Gurp           Marvin Ridge High      Freshman


                   100     21        00:18:53.4       stephen            mattox             altavista high         Freshman


                   101     1412      00:18:54.0       Caleb              McNew              Overhills High         Senior


                   102     1576      00:18:55.0       Matt               Poehler            Ragsdale High School   Junior

                   103     1408      00:18:55.4       Joseph             Jones              Overhills High         Junior


                   104     1847      00:18:55.6       Dylan              McCann             South Stokes High      Junior


                   105     927       00:18:57.1       Ren                Crowson            Ledford High School    Sophomore

                   106     519       00:19:00.5       Evan               Brondyke           Falls Road Baptist     Sophomore

                                                                                            Church School

                   107     1945      00:19:02.1       Joel               Shuford            Southwest              Sophomore

                   108     1294      00:19:02.4       Jonathan           Shelton            North Surry HS         Junior

                   109     23        00:19:04.3       elliot             perkins            altavista high         Freshman


                   110     926       00:19:04.7       Jacob              Crickenberger      Ledford High School    Sophomore

                   111     22        00:19:05.3       josh               nordquist          altavista high         Freshman


                   112     939       00:19:05.7       Joshua             Phillips           Ledford High School    Freshman

                   113     937       00:19:05.9       Jonathan           Perdomo            Ledford High School    Freshman

                   114     204       00:19:08.1       Danny              Masse              Carrboro High School   Junior

                   115     1581      00:19:08.8       Dale               Wray               Ragsdale High School   Sophomore

                   116     172       00:19:09.7       Christian          Adams              Cardinal Gibbons  HS   Sophomore

                   117     1025      00:19:10.7       Kevin              Marko              Marvin Ridge High      Sophomore


                   118     620       00:19:11.4       Travis             Lowman             Glenn High School      Freshman

                   119     1881      00:19:12.3       Marcus             Davis              Southeast Guilford     Junior

                   120     1268      00:19:12.7       Chase              Shermer            North Raleigh          Freshman

                                                                                            Christian Academy

                   121     1375      00:19:16.1       Will               Upchurch           Northwood High         Freshman


                   122     1271      00:19:16.4       Hayden             Zurl               North Raleigh          Junior

                                                                                            Christian Academy

                   123     2028      00:19:16.8       Mitch              Bergeson           wakefield high         Junior


                   124     216       00:19:18.3       Jordan             Thomas             Carrboro High School   Freshman

                   125     518       00:19:18.5       Sam                Bland              Falls Road Baptist     Sophomore

                                                                                            Church School

                   126     1377      00:19:18.8       Eric               Williams           Northwood High         Freshman


                   127     1850      00:19:20.9       Gabriel            Reich              South Stokes High      Senior


                   128     2176      00:19:21.2       Josh               Roberts            West Davidson          Junior

                   129     1840      00:19:21.6       Beau               Dudney             South Stokes High      Freshman


                   130     555       00:19:22.8       Ben                Stallworth         Forsyth Country Day    Freshman


                   131     520       00:19:26.8       Mikah              Brondyke           Falls Road Baptist     Senior

                                                                                            Church School

                   132     1910      00:19:27.5       Jose               Gonzalez           Southern Nash          Junior

                   133     484       00:19:27.9       Kevin              Michael            East Davidson HS       Junior

                   134     1617      00:19:28.3       BEN                MILLS              REIDSVILLE HS          Senior

                   135     1924      00:19:28.9       vince              Easley             Southwest              Junior

                   136     246       00:19:29.7       Andrew             Whitling           Cedar Ridge High       Sophomore


                   137     182       00:19:30.7       Alex               Rust               Cardinal Gibbons  HS   Sophomore

                   138     2044      00:19:31.5       Robert             Snyder             wakefield high         Sophomore


                   139     941       00:19:36.6       Abdul              Saleem             Ledford High School    Sophomore

                   140     1362      00:19:41.3       Brandon            Fair               Northwood High         Senior


                   141     1880      00:19:41.9       Alex               Carlson            Southeast Guilford     Junior

                   142     925       00:19:42.3       Jackson            Crickenberger      Ledford High School    Junior

                   143     207       00:19:42.8       Tyler              Oleski             Carrboro High School   Junior

                   144     1518      00:19:43.4        Jacob             Bowman             Patrick County High    Senior


                   145     726       00:19:47.3       Matthias           Hertl              Greensboro Day         Sophomore

                   146     1502      00:19:47.8       Cornell            Jordan             Parkland High School   Junior

                   147     1882      00:19:50.6       Tony               Fleckenstein       Southeast Guilford     Sophomore

                   148     729       00:19:56.2       Brad               Johnson            Greensboro Day         Senior

                   149     2036      00:19:57.5       Ryan               Kirk               wakefield high         Senior


                   150     215       00:19:58.0       Ian                Thomas             Carrboro High School   Junior

                   151     12        00:19:58.3       jesse              bowling            altavista high         Freshman


                   152     1503      00:20:00.2       Andre              McKoy              Parkland High School   Junior

                   153     483       00:20:00.7       Will               Luther             East Davidson HS       Freshman

                   154     2173      00:20:02.8       T.J.               Lane               West Davidson          Sophomore

                   155     1385      00:20:04.0       Mason              Padgett            NW Cabarrus High       Freshman


                   156     934       00:20:05.2       Matthew            Montgomery         Ledford High School    Junior

                   157     606       00:20:06.0       Paul               Mazzoni            George Washington      Junior

                   158     605       00:20:06.3       Joshua             Mazzoni            George Washington      Freshman

                   159     1551      00:20:06.7       Thomas             Zieler             polk County            Senior


                   160     231       00:20:07.6       Steven             Tatlow             Cary Christian         Junior


                   161     1911      00:20:08.5       Jordan             Hagler             Southern Nash          Junior

                   162     1407      00:20:09.3       Aarron             Johnston           Overhills High         Junior


                   163     229       00:20:10.1       Trey               Motley             Cary Christian         Junior


                   164     1269      00:20:10.9       Andrew             Wilson             North Raleigh          Sophomore

                                                                                            Christian Academy

                   165     2269      00:20:14.6       Andre              Stevenson          Western Guilford HS    Senior

                   166     1912      00:20:15.6       Matthew            Johnson            Southern Nash          Junior

                   167     1915      00:20:16.3       Joseph             Thompson           Southern Nash          Sophomore

                   168     1521      00:20:20.3       Martin             Hutchens           Patrick County High    Sophomore


                   169     11        00:20:20.8       daniel             blanks             altavista high         Freshman


                   170     1546      00:20:21.9       Colby              Lynch              polk County            Senior


                   171     2167      00:20:25.6       Pearce             Dougan             West Davidson          Senior

                   172     623       00:20:27.3       Nick               Wall               Glenn High School      Freshman

                   173     1541      00:20:27.8       Kyle               Brown              polk County            Sophomore


                   174     1887      00:20:32.8       Corey              Trollinger         Southeast Guilford     Sophomore

                   175     1884      00:20:33.0       Dusty              Griffin            Southeast Guilford     Sophomore

                   176     199       00:20:39.8       Kai                Lieth              Carrboro High School   Freshman

                   177     2265      00:20:42.9       Michael            Clear              Western Guilford HS    Senior

                   178     1374      00:20:44.7       Jesse              Upchurch           Northwood High         Senior


                   179     487       00:20:45.5       Steven             Torres             East Davidson HS       Freshman

                   180     724       00:20:45.9       Patrick            Hale               Greensboro Day         Junior

                   181     1263      00:20:49.6       George             Hann               North Raleigh          Senior

                                                                                            Christian Academy

                   182     1523      00:20:49.9       Smith              John               Patrick County High    Senior


                   183     1403      00:20:53.1       Jessy              Douchet            Overhills High         Junior


                   184     14        00:20:53.8       jeffery            bryant             altavista high         Freshman


                   185     1933      00:20:55.7       Adam               Knight             Southwest              Senior

                   186     1931      00:20:59.2       Bryan              Ingram             Southwest              Sophomore

                   187     1499      00:21:04.3       Maurice            Dula               Parkland High School   Junior

                   188     1839      00:21:07.6       Jesse              Bunton             South Stokes High      Senior


                   189     727       00:21:09.4       Ben                Howard             Greensboro Day         Freshman

                   190     1542      00:21:09.9       Ethan              Fisher             polk County            Junior


                   191     486       00:21:14.1       Dale               Thomas             East Davidson HS       Sophomore

                   192     624       00:21:17.3       Kevin              Wrenn              Glenn High School      Freshman

                   193     621       00:21:17.9       Braden             Moore              Glenn High School      Freshman

                   194     1616      00:21:33.7       ALEX               JONES              REIDSVILLE HS          Senior

                   195     458       00:21:38.4       Chris              Newnam             Durham School of the   Junior


                   196     2268      00:21:45.6       Alex               Kaji               Western Guilford HS    Senior

                   197     1935      00:21:47.7       Eric               Luibrand           Southwest              Senior

                   198     1520      00:22:07.0       Spencer            Goodyear           Patrick County High    Sophomore


                   199     742       00:22:12.2       Jerry              Zuraw              Greensboro Day         Junior

                   200     1890      00:22:17.6       Kevin              Zelaya             Southeast Guilford     Junior

                   201     1500      00:22:26.4       Jarrell            Elliott            Parkland High School   Senior

                   202     1295      00:22:29.6       Seth               Shelton            North Surry HS         Freshman

                   203     601       00:22:31.1       Joseph             Campbell           George Washington      Sophomore

                   204     479       00:22:37.1       Zach               Brubaker           East Davidson HS       Freshman

                   205     480       00:22:39.0       Jake               Hepler             East Davidson HS       Freshman

                   206     1885      00:22:40.2       Dillon             Reddick            Southeast Guilford     Junior

                   207     478       00:22:46.3       Adam               Bowers             East Davidson HS       Sophomore

                   208     226       00:22:52.0       Adam               Johnson            Cary Christian         Junior


                   209     619       00:23:05.5       Phillip            Idol               Glenn High School      Freshman

                   210     2264      00:23:33.1       Justin             Clear              Western Guilford HS    Freshman

                   211     2640      00:23:45.4       Unattached         Unattached         Unattached             Other

                   212     2263      00:23:57.9       Jarrett            Bliton             Western Guilford HS    Junior

                   213     521       00:24:30.2       Timothy            Legg               Falls Road Baptist     Sophomore

                                                                                            Church School