Welcome to the 2016 NCHSAA Indoor State Track and Field Championship Meets Welcome to the 1A/2A; 3A and 4A NCHSAA Indoor State Championships! Welcome to JDL Indoor Fast Track. We are honored to host our Indoor Championship here. We hope your team has a wonderful experience today and put on the greatest performances of their lives. To insure that the meet is run in a professional manner that showcases the very best in track and field in North Carolina, please read the following details and share these with your athletes prior to the meet. 1. There is no charge for parking for buses and/or patrons. 2. Park the Team buses in the back of the lot…please note this and be respectful of the spaces for parents and fans. Additional parking is available along the streets and in lots of nearby businesses 3. Athletes and team entrance is back/rear doors of JDL Fast Track. The Team Entrance area is clearly marked at the facility. 4. Coaches, upon your arrival, pick-up you team packet, return to your team and give them their wristbands OUTSIDE of the facility. No athletes will be allowed in the facility without a wristband. 5. Entry fee for a non-participating athlete is $5.00. This is done at the team entrance and the athlete must be with the team. 6. Admission for the general public is $8.00. (We do not accept checks or credit cards. Please share this information with your parents.) 7. Public entrance is at the front of the building and is clearly marked. No public admission tickets will be allowed at the team entrance. 8. Restrooms for student athletes are upstairs and access is clearly marked. 9. Athletic Trainers will be on site. There are three (3) training tables in the facility and a taping table in the Training Room. 10. Shot Puts will be provided and you cannot use your own. 11. Certified scales for the Pole Vault are located at the Pole Vault area. 12. All officials should check in at the “Official’s Check-in” table upon their arrival in order to receive their credentials. 13. Vault poles cannot be brought in the spectator entrance. Use the team entrance only. 14. Coaching Notes: a. Bring confirmations of athlete’s entry from Mile Split in case we have a question…if there is a question and no confirmations sheet, no participation will occur. Be pro-active and take the necessary steps to protect the interest of your athletes. b. Respect the facility…we are role models and ambassadors for our students. Teach them pride in the facility and the rightful thing of leaving a borrowed facility in better shape that you found it…PUT THE TRASH AND BOTTLES IN TRASH CONTAINERS!!! c. Hip Numbers: We are having issues with athletes pasting their hip numbers on the walls, floor, benches, bleachers, bathroom stalls, etc. Any athlete found committing these offenses and defacing JDL Fast Track will be reported to the NCHSAA. 15. All athletes are to be in proper uniform in accordance with the sanctioning body and rules: National Federation (NFHS) and NCHSAA. 16. Rule 4, Section 3 Article 1: Uniforms shall be worn as intended by manufacturers. Subsection C.3: The waistband of a competitor’s shorts shall be worn above the hips. Subsection B.6: Bare midriff tops are not acceptable. Rule 3, Section 3, Art. 1-b-4 and NOTES 2-c-5. A SINGLE, VISIBLE MANUFACTURER’S LOGO/TRADEMARK/REFERENCE NO MORE THAN 2 1/4 SQUARE INCHES WITH NO DIMENSION MORE THAN 2 ¼ INCHES AND WITH STATE ASSOCIATION APPROVAL IS PERMITTED ON THE TOP, BOTTON OR ONE-PIECE UNIFORM. Rule 3, Section 3, Art. 1-c-8 and 1-c-7: Any visible garment(s) worn underneath the uniform top must be unadorned and of a single color. As per NFHS rules, a SINGLE, VISIBLE MANUFACTURER’S LOGO AND/OR SCHOOL NAME OR INSINGIA NO MORE THAN 2 ¼ INCHES ARE PERMITTED ON THE UNDERGARMENT. Rule 3, Section 2, Art. 4j: Athletes must tuck the top part of the uniform into the bottom portion. Rule 4, Section 3 Article 1: PENALTY: For the wearing of an illegal uniform, when a violation is observed and noted by a meet official, the competitor shall be required to make the uniform legal before becoming eligible for further competition, and shall be issued a warning that a subsequent violation shall result in disqualification from the event. The referee shall be notified of the violation by the observing meet official, and the referee shall then notify or caused to be notified the head coach of the offending school of the competitor’s violation and warning. Rule 4-3-1c(7), Notes 1, 4-3-2, 9-6-1c(7) Any visible undergarment worn underneath the uniform bottom that does not, extend below the knees is now considered a foundation garment and not subject to single, solid color rule. An undergarment extending below the knees shall meet all requirements regarding a visible undergarment. ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS FOR RELAY RACES: Rule 4, Section 3, Article 2 Subsection a. In relay races, each team member shall wear the same color and design of school uniform although the length of the bottom or one-piece uniform may vary. Example: If two members of the relay team have on jerseys with the school name and the other two have a jersey that has the mascot or mascot name on it, the uniforms are not the same! Rule 4, Section 3, Article 2 Subsection b. Any visible garments(s) worn by two or more relay team members underneath the uniform top and/or bottom shall be unadorned and of the same single, solid color, but not necessarily the same length. Example: Relay team member “A” has on white undergarment; Relay team member “B, C and D” have on black undergarments: THIS IS ILLEGAL. Penalty for violation of the uniform rule is disqualification from the event. 17. All athletes are to have their complete uniform on at all times while on the track or in the infield. Failure to comply with this rule will result in first, a warning, and second disqualification from an event or possibly the entire meet. 18. Rule 4, Sect. 5 Art. 9e: Communicating with a competitor through the use of a wireless device. (Athletes will not be allowed to have cell phones in the competitive area, notably field events.) PENALTY: DISQUALIFICATION FROM THE EVENT. 19. Spikes should be either “1/4 or 1/8” pyramids or Christmas tree ONLY. No needle spikes will be allowed. Athletes with illegal spikes will be disqualified. ALL shoes will be tagged at check-in. 20. Rule 3, Section 2 Article 4o: Hair Devices Unadorned devices, such as bobby pins, barrettes and hair clips, no longer than two (2) inches, may be worn to control the competitor’s hair. Items such as rubber bands, cloth headbands or scrunchies are APPROVED by the games committee. These items must be a single solid color. Adorned devices, beads and hard plastic balls are PROHIBITED. 21. All persons participating in the Pole Vault will be weighed and have poles verified prior to competition. 22. The 10 minute check-in /check-out rule will be in effect. Tell your athletes to check out with the event judge and return within ten minutes after the conclusion of their heat. If an athlete is in a field event and gets a first call for a running event, they should check out of their field event and check-in at the Clerk’s Table and then return to the field event. Event judges will be instructed to allow athletes to go “out of turn” if necessary. The Clerk will be instructed not to “hold” athletes competing in field events. It is the responsibility of the coach and the athlete to report to the starting line for their event. 23. Athletes competing in 2 or more field events simultaneously will have to go “back and forth.” They will need to check-out and report immediately to their next event. (Officials will allow them time to change shoes if the need shall arise.) Athletes cannot loose an attempt if competing in another event. 24. All protests should be filed with the Referee, Richard Prince, on the proper “Appeal Form.” 25. The Coaches’ SCRATCH MEETINGS will be held prior to the meet. (See meet schedule for time.) If an athlete fails to show up for an event, and he/she was not scratched, the athlete will be DISQUALIFIED FOR REMAINDER OF THE MEET. Event judges are to report any athletes who fail to report to the Meet Director. The athlete’s coach will then be notified. 26. Coaches should have their athletes that finish in the “Top 4” available to pick up their medals or ribbons immediately after the event is completed. Awards will be given out at that time. 27. No headwear is to be worn during warm-ups or in the competition area.. If you have an athlete that must wear headwear for medical or religious reasons, please inform the event judge and meet referee. 28. After the event finals, coaches should have their athletes that finish in the “Top 4” available to pick up their medals when they are announced. We will give out medals as soon as possible after completion of the event. 29. The coaches’ box is now a bleacher for the field events. They are located in the infield. This is for coaches ONLY with athletes competing in the respective event and flight. The Field Marshalls will monitor this area. The area is designed for you to speak to your athletes, not the officials.Pick up your Field Event Lanyard from the Field Marshall. Please return the lanyard after the event. These lanyards will be uses for all state meets. 30. All re-seeds/heat sheets and results will be posted on the bulletin board. PLEASE Do NOT remove these sheets. 31. Break Points: 300 Meter Dash: Stay in lanes for entire race 500 Meter Run: Start in lanes, 2 – turn stagger 1000, 1600, 3200 and 4 x 800 Relay: 1-Turn Stagger 4 x 400 Relay: 2-turn stagger 4 x 200 Relay: 3-turn stagger 43. Coach and all athletes are expected to show GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP. Competitors who engage in taunting, profanity, baton throwing, and/or refuse to follow the instructions of meet officials will be DISQUALIFIED FROM THAT EVENT OR POSSIBLY THE MEET. Sportsmanship…important…a reflection of you, your program and the NCHSAA…if in doubt, we will take them out! 44. We are looking forward to a great State Championship Weekend. If we can be of service to you, please do not hesitate to call on us. Chiquana Dancy, NCHSAA Richard Prince, Referee DePaul Mittman, State Meet Director John Buchholz, Assistant State Meet Director Rodney King, Assistant State Meet Director
NCHSAA 3A Indoor State Championship 2016
Meet History
Meet Records
Venue Records