Lexington senior Zack Langston set a personal best of 9 minutes, 7.27 seconds in the Dash for Doobie 3,200-meter run in North Carolina Saturday night. Langston, coming of his Class AAAA state title victory, is preparing to run in Foot Locker South at the end of November.
Langston sets personal best in N.C. 3,200
Nov 17, 2013
Great Outdoor Provision Co. Weekend 14 Recap
Nov 17, 2013
Huffman pushed the pace early, then Milder provided an incredible finish, and both went under 9 minutes for the first time.

Great Outdoor Provision Co. Weekend 14 Preview
Nov 16, 2013
Ben Huffman (Providence Day, in white) signalled the start of a tremendous postseason with a win at Reagan last year.
Demarest, Langston enter fast 2-mile section in N.C.
Nov 15, 2013
Porter-Gaud's Brent Demarest and Lexington's Zack Langston are entered in Saturday's fast section of the Dash for Doobie 2-mile in Winston-Salem, N.C.