Boys Results

Licensed to Eastern Alamance High School
                                       HY-TEK's Meet Manager 3/25/2013 10:32 AM
               2013 J.J. Knox Track & Field Classic - 3/23/2013                
                         Eastern Alamance High School                          
Men 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 Drummond, James              Lexington                11.02q  6 
  2 Womack, Marquise             Northeast Gu             11.18q  6 
  3 Ford, Brandon                Parkland                 11.28q  5 
  3 Capel, Anthony               Page                     11.28q  2 
  5 McNamara, Joe                Bishop McGui             11.37q  6 
  6 Pond, Marquis Sherrod        Cary                     11.49q  4 
  7 Petty, Jamal                 Southeast Gu             11.58   5 
  8 Jackson, Tyrus               South View               11.64   3 
  9 Gordon, Elvis                South View               11.71   5 
 10 Brown, Dia'vonte             Southern Gui             11.76   1 
 11 Nelson, Titus                Dudley                   11.82   1 
 12 Mitchell, Patrick            Dudley                   11.83   2 
 13 Kizzie, Kendrick             Southeast Gu             11.86   3 
 13 Burton, Alex                 Chapel Hill              11.86   4 
 13 Darden, Matthew              Polk County              11.86   6 
 16 Haynesworth, Dajuan          Dudley                   11.91   2 
 17 Person, Marquan              North Pitt               12.01   2 
 17 Unanka, Xavier               Southeast Gu             12.01   4 
 19 Vincent, J'Myiah             Southern Gui             12.08   2 
 20 Bolden, Orlando              Page                     12.09   3 
 21 Morrison, James              Parkland                 12.19   5 
 22 Johnson, Taylor              Southern Gui             12.21   1 
 23 Harrelson, Markevian         Williams, Wa             12.34   1 
 24 Taylor, Michael              Orange                   12.39   6 
 25 Hope, Anthony                Page                     12.41   3 
 26 Santiago, Ronald             Parkland                 12.44   6 
 27 Martin, Cj                   Bishop McGui             12.56   1 
 28 Wright, Derek                Bishop McGui             12.73   1 
 29 Allen, Eric                  Northern Dur             12.81   5 
 30 Boone, Derek                 Orange                   13.51   2 
Men 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Drummond, James              Lexington                10.86  
  2 Capel, Anthony               Page                     11.18  
  3 Ford, Brandon                Parkland                 11.20  
  4 Pond, Marquis Sherrod        Cary                     11.21  
  5 McNamara, Joe                Bishop McGui             11.33  
  6 Womack, Marquise             Northeast Gu             11.73  
Men 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Drummond, James              Lexington                21.73   7 
  2 Pond, Marquis Sherrod        Cary                     22.92   7 
  3 Ford, Brandon                Parkland                 23.12   7 
  4 Capel, Anthony               Page                     23.13   6 
  5 McGill, DeAndre              Northeast Gu             23.15   6 
  6 Herring, Aaron               Southeast Gu             23.18   6 
  7 Mosely, Emanuel              Dudley                   23.27   5 
  8 Trimble, Austin              Middle Creek             23.57   6 
  9 Woods, Ryan                  Eastern Alam             23.60   4 
 10 Foreman, Diamonte            North Pitt               23.63   4 
 11 McNamara, Joe                Bishop McGui             23.83   6 
 11 Brown, Xavier                South View               23.83   5 
 13 Murray, Keithan              Dudley                   24.01   3 
 14 Darden, Matthew              Polk County              24.02   7 
 15 Burton, Alex                 Chapel Hill              24.06   2 
 16 Robinson, Lamont             Eastern Alam             24.17   3 
 17 Allen, Eric                  Northern Dur             24.35   4 
 18 McGill, LeAndre              Northeast Gu             24.38   5 
 19 Kizzie, Kendrick             Southeast Gu             24.42   3 
 20 Vanhook, Brandon             Orange                   24.70   2 
 20 Womack, Marquise             Northeast Gu             24.70   1 
 22 Sartin, Cory                 Williams, Wa             25.05   4 
 23 Davis, Michael               South View               25.20   4 
 24 Harris, Amon                 Southern Gui             25.29   3 
 25 Martin, Cj                   Bishop McGui             25.35   2 
 26 Hope, Anthony                Page                     25.37   4 
 27 Santiago, Ronald             Parkland                 25.57   1 
 28 Taylor, Michael              Orange                   25.59   3 
 29 Saloman, Greg                Bishop McGui             26.48   1 
 30 Nelson, Titus                Dudley                   27.09   5 
 30 Greaney, Chris               Chapel Hill              27.09   3 
 32 Duncan, Alex                 Chapel Hill              27.38   2 
 33 Joyner, Stephen              Parkland                 27.78   1 
Men 400 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 McGill, DeAndre              Northeast Gu             49.87   8 
  2 Woosley, Gary                Northeast Gu             50.18   8 
  3 McGill, LeAndre              Northeast Gu             50.38   8 
  4 Schaub, Dakota               Pine Forest              50.83   8 
  5 Herring, Aaron               Southeast Gu             51.75   8 
  6 Blakely, Harold              Parkland                 52.02   8 
  7 Barrett, Josh                Cary                     52.14   6 
  8 Sweezer, Saadiq              Eastern Alam             52.15   7 
  9 Coward, Greg                 Southeast Gu             52.63   6 
 10 Umlauf, Mason                Polk County              52.65   5 
 11 Ibraham, Ismail              Middle Creek             52.81   5 
 12 Harris, Anthony              North Pitt               53.12   4 
 13 King, Jimmy                  Bishop McGui             53.39   6 
 14 Fields, A j                  Williams, Wa             53.58   7 
 15 Murray, Keithan              Dudley                   53.93   5 
 16 Rucker, David                South View               54.03   5 
 17 Puryear, Derek               Southern Gui             54.05   7 
 18 Page, RaKesh                 South View               54.06   6 
 19 Barnes, Jordan               Southeast Gu             54.08   6 
 19 Johnson, Walter              Pine Forest              54.08   7 
 21 Turner, Micah                Enloe                    54.39   4 
 22 Bowen, Dillon                North Pitt               54.54   3 
 23 Evans, Ethan-Cole            Eastern Alam             54.69   3 
 24 Sartin, Cory                 Williams, Wa             54.96   6 
 25 Toms, Hunter                 Middle Creek             55.31   4 
 26 Pitt, Johnard                Dudley                   55.62   4 
 27 Lawrence, Lekevis            Southern Gui             55.72   5 
 28 Moore, Shaqyone              Orange                   56.08   3 
 29 Herbin, Dominic              Dudley                   56.46   3 
 30 Greaney, Chris               Chapel Hill              56.71   3 
 31 Dodson, Tyler                Ledford                  56.83   1 
 32 Whitted, Richard O.          Northern Dur             57.46   4 
 33 Mulligan, Daniel             Orange                   57.50   2 
 34 Larrick, Josh                North Pitt               57.51   3 
 35 Wright, Derek                Bishop McGui             57.87   2 
 36 Fairley, Justin              South View               57.99   4 
 37 Pierce, Dylan                Ledford                  58.05   2 
 38 Ellis, James                 Page                     58.22   2 
 39 Phipps, Robby                Page                     59.69   1 
 40 Reiter, Andrew               Bishop McGui           1:00.12   1 
 41 Angier, Kevin                Polk County            1:01.62   1 
 42 Boone, Derek                 Orange                 1:02.89   1 
 43 Joyner, Stephen              Parkland               1:03.81   2 
 -- Horn, Nick                   Parkland                    DQ   7 
Men 800 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Reeder, Chris                Chapel Hill            1:56.39  
  2 Shores, Ariel                Southeast Gu           2:00.07  
  3 Elliott, Josiah              Parkland               2:00.84  
  4 Lane, Justin                 Cary                   2:01.47  
  5 Hair, Keith                  Middle Creek           2:01.76  
  6 Birdwhistell, Chilton        Middle Creek           2:04.16  
  7 Williams, Peter              Chapel Hill            2:04.61  
  8 Coward, Greg                 Southeast Gu           2:04.93  
  9 Bennett, Marquis             Smith, Ben             2:04.94  
 10 Guthrie, David               South View             2:05.13  
 11 Roeber, Drew                 Chapel Hill            2:05.71  
 12 McCalip, Jacob               Eastern Alam           2:07.76  
 13 Bowen, Ricardo               South View             2:07.92  
 14 Ricketts, Levi               Page                   2:08.88  
 15 Lancaster, Leland            Bishop McGui           2:09.98  
 16 Bruns, Zach                  Bishop McGui           2:10.16  
 17 Hogan, Brian                 Southeast Gu           2:10.51  
 18 Sims, Steven                 South View             2:11.28  
 19 Utley, Dentonio              Pine Forest            2:12.34  
 20 Collins, Jacob               Polk County            2:12.98  
 21 Kinlaw, Austin               Pine Forest            2:12.99  
 22 Nixon, Dionte                Dudley                 2:14.57  
 23 Tamayo, David                Eastern Alam           2:15.58  
 24 Mehring, Matt                Williams, Wa           2:16.53  
 25 Johnson, William             Bishop McGui           2:16.92  
 25 Morrell, Walker              Enloe                  2:16.92  
 27 Lassiter, Blake              Ledford                2:17.94  
 28 Brown, Mitchell              Polk County            2:18.77  
 29 Cao, Kevin                   Enloe                  2:19.33  
 30 Collins, Julian              Dudley                 2:19.95  
 31 Harden, Cedric               Dudley                 2:21.57  
 32 Penry, Luke                  Ledford                2:22.94  
 33 Darst, Brian                 Enloe                  2:23.44  
 34 Hollander, Robert            Williams, Wa           2:23.82  
 35 Reed, Cameron                Pine Forest            2:25.15  
 36 Keeler, Aaron                Eastern Alam           2:27.52  
 37 Johnson, Moses               Northeast Gu           2:28.10  
 38 Varner, Dylan                Ledford                2:29.04  
 39 McGuire, Tristan             Parkland               2:33.41  
 40 Corbett, Donovan             Orange                 2:35.74  
 41 Moore, Colin                 Orange                 2:48.76  
Men 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Reeder, Chris                Chapel Hill            4:25.44  
  2 Shores, Ariel                Southeast Gu           4:26.56  
  3 Abushouk, Dean               Cary                   4:29.35  
  4 Birdwhistell, Chilton        Middle Creek           4:30.75  
  5 Cook, Nolan                  Page                   4:32.06  
  6 Karginov, Tima               Chapel Hill            4:33.00  
  7 Lawson, Colton               Northern Dur           4:33.44  
  8 Grant, Titus                 South View             4:36.15  
  9 Hair, Keith                  Middle Creek           4:36.90  
 10 Gupton, Will                 Enloe                  4:40.93  
 11 Reid, Ravon                  Pine Forest            4:41.46  
 12 Tecle, Robel                 Cary                   4:42.33  
 13 Walker, Nick                 Northern Dur           4:43.28  
 14 Hinshaw, Daniel              Southeast Gu           4:46.75  
 15 Maddox, Dequan               Parkland               4:50.84  
 16 Blackburn, Max               Chapel Hill            4:52.65  
 17 Williams, Sam                Bishop McGui           4:53.31  
 18 Lynn, Timothy                Eastern Alam           4:55.12  
 19 McLemore, Josh               South View             4:55.93  
 20 Johnson, William             Bishop McGui           4:56.52  
 21 Doyle, Sean                  Polk County            4:56.90  
 22 McCalip, Jacob               Eastern Alam           4:58.93  
 23 Silva, Nikolas               Durham School of       4:59.68  
 24 Halsch, Bryant               Southeast Gu           5:00.15  
 25 Leahy, Nate                  Pine Forest            5:00.84  
 26 Evans, Caleb                 Eastern Alam           5:00.94  
 27 James, Thomas                Ledford                5:02.00  
 28 Hughes, Anthony              Ledford                5:02.40  
 29 Redden, Greg                 Bishop McGui           5:02.53  
 30 Weaver, Mike                 Page                   5:04.68  
 31 Mulherin, Sean               Page                   5:05.37  
 32 Jackson, Josh                Ledford                5:07.96  
 33 Stadler, Mitchell            Williams, Wa           5:10.34  
 34 Watts, Daniel                Parkland               5:11.06  
 35 Minchey, Gage                South View             5:13.59  
 36 Watt, John                   Dudley                 5:20.18  
 37 Bowen, Michael               Enloe                  5:24.09  
 38 Caicedo, Jonathan            Pine Forest            5:24.46  
 39 Russell, Jake                Polk County            5:27.24  
 40 Fuller, Donta'               Northeast Gu           5:32.53  
 41 Wright, Skylar               Southern Gui           5:33.12  
 42 Johnson, Steven (Corey)      North Pitt             5:35.62  
 43 Harrison, Degario            Northeast Gu           5:55.88  
 44 Larson, Jacob                Orange                 6:06.56  
 45 Geise, Reilly                Orange                 6:07.59  
 46 Wirzba, Ben                  Orange                 6:10.59  
Men 3200 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Tecle, Abel                  Cary                   9:43.57  
  2 Abushouk, Dean               Cary                   9:48.50  
  3 Karginov, Tima               Chapel Hill            9:49.46  
  4 Cawley, Jack                 Middle Creek           9:57.12  
  5 Mitchell, Josh               Cary Academy           9:59.75  
  6 Viles, Bradley               Chapel Hill           10:05.47  
  7 Staples, Michael             South View            10:07.02  
  8 Maxfield, Sam                Pine Forest           10:07.15  
  9 Moody, Joseph                South View            10:08.20  
 10 Alejandro, Javier            South View            10:08.68  
 11 Walker, Nick                 Northern Dur          10:09.32  
 12 Vilen, Collin                Chapel Hill           10:16.42  
 13 Lake, Drew                   Page                  10:22.45  
 14 Maddox, Dequan               Parkland              10:27.90  
 15 Silva, Nikolas               Durham School of      10:29.10  
 16 Hinshaw, Daniel              Southeast Gu          10:29.20  
 17 Evans, Caleb                 Eastern Alam          10:44.70  
 18 Sennabaum, Aaron             Pine Forest           10:44.75  
 19 Lynn, Timothy                Eastern Alam          10:45.84  
 20 Rice, Ben                    Enloe                 10:54.16  
 21 Fichthorn, Cam               Ledford               11:09.19  
 22 Conyers, Avery               Southeast Gu          11:09.56  
 23 Scott, Robert                Ledford               11:10.15  
 24 Jackson, Josh                Ledford               11:11.60  
 25 Husen, Spencer               Orange                11:18.47  
 26 Mulherin, Sean               Page                  11:20.32  
 27 Wilson, Drew                 Parkland              11:21.14  
 28 Cochran, Jake                Southeast Gu          11:21.20  
 29 Stadler, Mitchell            Williams, Wa          11:28.26  
 30 Watt, Jack                   Page                  11:41.39  
 31 Vasquez, Ramon               Northeast Gu          11:44.24  
 32 Collins, Chip                Polk County           11:47.80  
 33 Lepley, Kyle                 Pine Forest           11:52.62  
 34 Underwood, Austin            North Pitt            12:05.93  
 35 Wright, Skylar               Southern Gui          12:11.24  
 36 Archibold, Daniel            Orange                12:32.99  
 37 Freeland, Gabe               Orange                12:39.43  
 38 Caban, Jeremie               Parkland              15:21.09  
Men 110 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 Taylor, Paul                 Cary                     15.68q  5 
  2 Brown, Xavier                South View               15.83q  4 
  3 Lewis, Carnell               Enloe                    16.48q  2 
  4 Overton, Darrius             Southeast Gu             16.57q  1 
  5 Patterson, Dominick          Enloe                    16.63q  1 
  6 Gary, Rique                  Northeast Gu             16.69q  2 
  7 Garland, Juquan              South View               17.05   5 
  8 Pierce, Seth                 Southeast Gu             17.11   3 
  9 Chipley, Sawyer              Chapel Hill              17.28   5 
 10 Armour, Marcus               South View               17.65   4 
 11 Farrish, Dequante            Williams, Wa             18.21   3 
 12 Jefcoat, Jamel               Southeast Gu             18.50   1 
 13 Paton, Trayvon               Pine Forest              18.67   4 
 14 Wright, Jacob                Pine Forest              18.85   3 
 15 Cabiness, Miguel             Southern Gui             19.07   1 
 16 Le, John                     Page                     19.67   1 
 17 Shaver, Tristan              Ledford                  20.09   2 
 18 Gonzalez, Jason              Parkland                 20.27   4 
 19 Woods, Jakwaan               Southern Gui             20.48   5 
 20 Moyd, Darrell                Page                     20.64   2 
 21 Green, Earl                  Southern Gui             20.72   5 
 22 Carter, Shyhiem              Northeast Gu             21.21   3 
 23 Williams, Devin              Ledford                  21.86   2 
 24 Mitchell, Gage               Orange                   22.22   3 
 25 Lewis, Matt                  Orange                   22.41   1 
 26 Williams, Chris              Parkland                 23.06   2 
Men 110 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Brown, Xavier                South View               15.39  
  2 Taylor, Paul                 Cary                     15.58  
  3 Lewis, Carnell               Enloe                    16.06  
  4 Gary, Rique                  Northeast Gu             16.38  
 -- Patterson, Dominick          Enloe                       DQ  
Men 300 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Brown, Xavier                South View               40.31   6 
  2 Taylor, Paul                 Cary                     41.04   6 
  3 Pierce, Seth                 Southeast Gu             42.36   6 
  4 Lewis, Carnell               Enloe                    42.86   6 
  5 Jackson, Tyrus               South View               43.13   5 
  6 Patterson, Dominick          Enloe                    43.20   5 
  7 Chipley, Sawyer              Chapel Hill              44.03   5 
  8 Washington, Mason            South View               44.12   5 
  9 Taylor, Tony                 Cary                     44.23   4 
 10 Stevenson, Zakey             Southeast Gu             44.30   5 
 11 Mcallister, Trey             Williams, Wa             45.19   4 
 12 Ray, Anthony                 Pine Forest              45.72   5 
 13 Gary, Rique                  Northeast Gu             45.73   6 
 14 Le, John                     Page                     46.14   3 
 15 Farrish, Dequante            Williams, Wa             46.33   4 
 16 Wingo, Josh                  Pine Forest              47.05   3 
 17 Shaver, Tristan              Ledford                  47.37   3 
 18 Cabiness, Miguel             Southern Gui             47.50   4 
 19 Wright, Jacob                Pine Forest              47.81   4 
 20 Moyd, Darrell                Page                     48.35   1 
 21 Williams, Devin              Ledford                  48.59   2 
 22 Locklear, Takoda             Northeast Gu             48.70   3 
 23 Green, Earl                  Southern Gui             48.90   3 
 24 Ross, Bradley                Ledford                  49.79   2 
 25 Williams, Chris              Parkland                 50.64   2 
 26 Gonzalez, Jason              Parkland                 51.01   2 
 27 Middelijn, Q'Lyl             Dudley                   51.74   6 
 28 Mitchell, Gage               Orange                   55.02   1 
 29 Lewis, Matt                  Orange                   55.47   2 
 -- Jefcoat, Jamel               Southeast Gu               DNF   4 
Men 4x100 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  H#
  1 Southeast Guilford  'A'                               44.48   2 
     1) Herring, Aaron                  2) Kizzie, Kendrick               
     3) Liggs, Greg                     4) Petty, Jamal                   
  2 Eastern Alamance  'A'                                 44.95   2 
     1) Aaron, Clay                     2) Robinson, Lamont               
     3) Scott, Tyler                    4) Woods, Ryan                    
  3 Page  'A'                                             45.08   2 
     1) Bolden, Orlando                 2) Hope, Anthony                  
     3) Capel, Anthony                  4) White, Aris                    
  4 Southern Guilford  'A'                                45.13   2 
     1) Brown, Dia'vonte                2) Gallaspy, Reggie               
     3) Johnson, Taylor                 4) Vincent, J'Myiah               
  5 Dudley  'A'                                           45.63   2 
  6 Parkland  'A'                                         47.40   2 
     1) Ford, Brandon                   2) Francis, Craig                 
     3) Morrison, James                 4) Santiago, Ronald               
  7 South View  'A'                                       47.41   1 
     1) Birch, DaJaun                   2) Davis, Michael                 
     3) Garland, Juquan                 4) Gordon, Elvis                  
  8 Chapel Hill  'A'                                      47.50   1 
     1) Barnett, James                  2) Burton, Alex                   
     3) Duncan, Alex                    4) Lee, Simon                     
 -- Ledford  'A'                                             DQ   1 
     1) Dodson, Tyler                   2) Pierce, Dylan                  
     3) Choi, Ben                       4) Ross, Bradley                  
Men 4x200 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  H#
  1 Northeast Guilford  'A'                             1:30.81   3 
     1) Berry, LeDante                  2) McGill, DeAndre                
     3) McGill, LeAndre                 4) Williams, Xavier               
  2 Eastern Alamance  'A'                               1:31.71   3 
     1) Aaron, Clay                     2) Robinson, Lamont               
     3) Sweezer, Saadiq                 4) Woods, Ryan                    
  3 Dudley  'A'                                         1:32.15   3 
  4 Southeast Guilford  'A'                             1:32.37   3 
     1) Barnes, Jordan                  2) Herring, Aaron                 
     3) Kizzie, Kendrick                4) Overton, Darrius               
  5 Parkland  'A'                                       1:33.28   3 
     1) Ford, Brandon                   2) Francis, Craig                 
     3) Horn, Nick                      4) Morrison, James                
  6 Southern Guilford  'A'                              1:33.48   3 
     1) Brown, Dia'vonte                2) Gallaspy, Reggie               
     3) Johnson, Taylor                 4) Vincent, J'Myiah               
  7 North Pitt  'A'                                     1:35.48   2 
     1) Bowen, Dillon                   2) Butler, Aaron                  
     3) Foreman, Diamonte               4) Harris, Anthony                
  8 South View  'A'                                     1:37.83   2 
     1) Armour, Marcus                  2) Davis, Michael                 
     3) Garland, Juquan                 4) Herring, John                  
  9 Chapel Hill  'A'                                    1:37.95   2 
     1) Barnett, James                  2) Burton, Alex                   
     3) Greaney, Chris                  4) Young, Harrison                
 10 Page  'A'                                           1:38.08   1 
     1) Johnson, Jacori                 2) Le, John                       
     3) Strickland, Kenneth             4) Wall, Shalfield                
 10 Polk County  'A'                                    1:38.08     
     1) Carson, Anthony                 2) Marino, Anthony                
     3) Schlabach, Reece                4) Umlauf, Mason                  
 11 Ledford  'A'                                        1:41.85   1 
     1) Dodson, Tyler                   2) Pierce, Dylan                  
     3) Choi, Ben                       4) Ross, Bradley                  
 -- Bishop McGuinness  'A'                                   DQ   2 
     1) Martin, Cj                      2) McNamara, Joe                  
     3) Saloman, Greg                   4) King, Jimmy                    
Men 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  H#
  1 Northeast Guilford  'A'                             3:26.57   3 
     1) Berry, LeDante                  2) Carter, Javien                 
     3) McGill, DeAndre                 4) McGill, LeAndre                
  2 Parkland  'A'                                       3:32.38   3 
     1) Blakely, Harold                 2) Council, Eric                  
     3) Elliott, Josiah                 4) Horn, Nick                     
  3 Southeast Guilford  'A'                             3:34.93   3 
     1) Coward, Greg                    2) Flippen, Shakim                
     3) Herring, Aaron                  4) Pierce, Seth                   
  4 Middle Creek  'A'                                   3:35.40   3 
  5 Pine Forest  'A'                                    3:36.21   3 
     1) Jones, Anthony                  2) Johnson, Walter                
     3) Reid, Ravon                     4) Schaub, Dakota                 
  6 North Pitt  'A'                                     3:38.81   1 
     1) Bowen, Dillon                   2) Foreman, Diamonte              
     3) Harris, Anthony                 4) Larrick, Josh                  
  7 Southern Guilford  'A'                              3:39.12   2 
     1) Puryear, Derek                  2) Brown, Dia'vonte               
     3) Green, Earl                     4) Harris, Amon                   
  8 South View  'A'                                     3:40.84   2 
     1) Crawford, Austin                2) Fairley, Justin                
     3) Page, RaKesh                    4) Rucker, David                  
  9 Polk County  'A'                                    3:41.83   2 
     1) Darden, Matthew                 2) Collins, Jacob                 
     3) Umlauf, Mason                   4) Pratt, Morgan                  
 10 Bishop McGuinness  'A'                              3:43.41   1 
     1) King, Jimmy                     2) Lancaster, Leland              
     3) McNamara, Joe                   4) Bruns, Zach                    
 11 Ledford  'A'                                        3:57.91   1 
     1) Dodson, Tyler                   2) Pierce, Dylan                  
     3) Riddle, Miles                   4) Shaver, Tristan                
Men 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Cary  'A'                                           8:12.18  
     1) Barrett, Josh                   2) Johnson, Chris                 
     3) Lane, Justin                    4) Tecle, Abel                    
  2 Chapel Hill  'A'                                    8:20.12  
     1) Karginov, Tima                  2) Reeder, Chris                  
     3) Roeber, Drew                    4) Williams, Peter                
  3 Southeast Guilford  'A'                             8:22.50  
     1) Conyers, Avery                  2) Coward, Greg                   
     3) Halsch, Bryant                  4) Hogan, Brian                   
  4 Parkland  'A'                                       8:29.88  
     1) Blakely, Harold                 2) Council, Eric                  
     3) Elliott, Josiah                 4) Maddox, Dequan                 
  5 Pine Forest  'A'                                    8:31.15  
     1) Schaub, Dakota                  2) Reid, Ravon                    
     3) Maxfield, Sam                   4) Johnson, Walter                
  6 Eastern Alamance  'A'                               8:38.12  
     1) Evans, Caleb                    2) McCalip, Jacob                 
     3) Sweezer, Saadiq                 4) Tamayo, David                  
  7 Bishop McGuinness  'A'                              8:53.56  
     1) Bruns, Zach                     2) Johnson, William               
     3) Lancaster, Leland               4) Redden, Greg                   
  8 Page  'A'                                           9:04.75  
     1) Weaver, Will                    2) Hurd, Garrison                 
     3) Ricketts, Levi                  4) Ellis, James                   
  9 Polk County  'A'                                    9:20.25  
     1) Collins, Jacob                  2) Collins, Chip                  
     3) Doyle, Sean                     4) Brown, Mitchell                
 10 Ledford  'A'                                        9:21.12  
     1) James, Thomas                   2) Lassiter, Blake                
     3) Penry, Luke                     4) Riddle, Miles                  
 11 Dudley  'A'                                         9:21.78  
 12 Orange  'A'                                        10:53.62  
     1) Corbett, Donovan                2) Flowers, Joseph                
     3) Larson, Jacob                   4) Wirzba, Ben                    
Men High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Morrison, James              Parkland               6-00.00  
  2 Johnson, Taylor              Southern Gui           5-08.00  
  3 Mapp, Caleb                  Eastern Alam          J5-08.00  
  4 Wood, Dylan                  Eastern Alam           5-06.00  
  5 Thompson, Stevie             Dudley                 5-04.00  
  6 Lawrence, Lekevis            Southern Gui          J5-04.00  
  7 Harrison, Lawrence           Southern Gui          J5-04.00  
  8 Onomuefor, Kevin             Page                   5-02.00  
  8 Jefcoat, Jamel               Southeast Gu           5-02.00  
  8 Pratt, Morgan                Polk County            5-02.00  
  8 Johnson, Jacori              Page                   5-02.00  
  8 Moore, Shaqyone              Orange                 5-02.00  
  8 Barth, Chris                 Chapel Hill            5-02.00  
 -- Boone, Derek                 Orange                      NH  
 -- Hudson, Ian                  Ledford                     NH  
 -- Taylor, Michael              Orange                      NH  
 -- Joyner, Stephen              Parkland                    NH  
 -- Barnes, Jordan               Southeast Gu                NH  
Men Pole Vault
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Thomas, Phillip              Cary                  14-00.00  
  2 Schmid, Kevin                Cary                 J14-00.00  
  3 Scott, Tyler                 Eastern Alam          12-06.00  
  4 Petty, Jamal                 Southeast Gu          12-00.00  
  5 Bowen, Dillon                North Pitt            11-00.00  
  5 Angier, Kevin                Polk County           11-00.00  
  7 Johnson, Raekwon             Southeast Gu          10-06.00  
  8 Margolis, Daniel             Chapel Hill            9-00.00  
  8 Sutter, Adam                 Chapel Hill            9-00.00  
  8 Marino, Anthony              Polk County            9-00.00  
 11 Williamson, Andrew           Orange                 8-06.00  
 12 Coccaro, Michael             Southeast Gu           8-00.00  
 12 Lee, Simon                   Chapel Hill            8-00.00  
 14 Anthony, Will                Ledford                7-00.00  
 14 Intriago, Aaron              Ledford                7-00.00  
Men Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Woosley, Gary                Northeast Gu          22-03.00  
  2 Aaron, Clay                  Eastern Alam          20-04.50  
  3 Trimble, Austin              Middle Creek          20-00.00  
  4 Petty, Jamal                 Southeast Gu          19-10.50  
  5 Brown, Brandon               Northern Dur          19-07.50  
  6 Mosely, Emanuel              Dudley                19-01.50  
  7 Bradley, Redroquez           North Pitt            19-01.00  
  8 Capel, Anthony               Page                  18-09.00  
  9 Vanhook, Brandon             Orange                18-08.00  
 10 Unanka, Xavier               Southeast Gu          18-03.50  
 10 Mcallister, Trey             Williams, Wa          18-03.50  
 12 Brooks, Sterling             Southeast Gu          18-01.50  
 13 Lawrence, Lekevis            Southern Gui          18-00.00  
 14 Turner, Michael              Eastern Alam          17-10.50  
 15 Horn, Nick                   Parkland              17-09.50  
 16 Armour, Marcus               South View            17-02.50  
 17 Harrison, Lawrence           Southern Gui          17-01.00  
 18 Morrison, James              Parkland              16-09.50  
 19 Hudson, Ian                  Ledford               16-05.50  
 20 Strickland, Kenneth          Page                  16-04.00  
 21 Davis, Jejuan                Parkland              16-03.00  
 22 Wharton, Timothy             Page                  15-08.00  
 23 Choi, Ben                    Ledford               15-01.00  
 24 Ross, Bradley                Ledford               14-07.50  
 25 Suber Brown, Andrew          Polk County           11-03.00  
Men Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Brooks, Sterling             Southeast Gu          41-05.00  
  2 Turner, Michael              Eastern Alam          40-04.50  
  3 Bradley, Redroquez           North Pitt            39-09.00  
  4 Vincent, J'Myiah             Southern Gui          39-00.00  
  5 Jefcoat, Jamel               Southeast Gu          38-10.00  
  6 Trimble, Austin              Middle Creek          38-08.00  
  7 Eugene, Jeffrey              South View            38-05.00  
  8 Harrison, Lawrence           Southern Gui          37-10.00  
  9 Mcallister, Trey             Williams, Wa          37-02.00  
 10 Pratt, Morgan                Polk County           36-03.00  
 11 Davis, Jejuan                Parkland              35-05.00  
 12 Knight, Denautica            North Pitt            35-03.00  
 13 Wharton, Timothy             Page                  34-09.00  
 13 Mulligan, Daniel             Orange                34-09.00  
 15 Sutter, Adam                 Chapel Hill           34-05.00  
 16 Hudson, Ian                  Ledford               33-10.00  
 17 Alston, Jesse                Eastern Alam          33-04.00  
 18 Joyner, Stephen              Parkland              32-11.00  
 19 Mapp, Caleb                  Eastern Alam          32-08.50  
 20 Petty-Joyner, Chris          Page                  29-05.50  
 21 McGuire, Tristan             Parkland              27-06.00  
 -- Mosely, Emanuel              Dudley                      ND  
 -- Strickland, Kenneth          Page                        ND  
Men Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Braswell-Sample, Myles       Northern Dur          46-10.50  
  2 Clarke, Cameron              Enloe                 42-01.00  
  3 Robinson, Ronnie             Southeast Gu          41-09.00  
  4 Whitehurst, Demarcus         North Pitt            41-03.00  
  5 Deacon, Eric                 Eastern Alam          39-05.00  
  6 Reynolds, Hudson             Ledford               39-04.50  
  7 Clemmons, Mike               North Pitt            38-11.50  
  8 Farrow, Kourtney             Northern Dur          38-11.00  
  9 Price, Dontre'               Southern Gui          38-10.50  
 10 Mobley, Jarrett              Southern Gui          38-08.00  
 11 Graham, Isaiah               Pine Forest           38-02.50  
 12 Murphy, Justin               Cary                  37-10.00  
 13 Glenn, Jonathan              Southeast Gu          37-08.50  
 14 Lechner, Justin              Bishop McGui          37-07.00  
 15 Nichols, Andre               South View            36-05.00  
 16 Ray, Aiden                   Chapel Hill           36-04.00  
 17 Rawls, Elliott               Southeast Gu          36-02.00  
 18 Shaw, Justin                 Northern Dur          36-00.00  
 19 Branch, Isaiah               Enloe                 35-08.50  
 20 Marshall, William            South View            35-04.50  
 21 Enoch, Tyreke                Williams, Wa          35-03.50  
 22 Bradford, Matt               South View            33-05.00  
 23 Young, Kable                 Bishop McGui          32-11.00  
 24 Stimac, Stephen              Polk County           32-03.50  
 25 Welch, Zach                  Ledford               31-07.00  
 26 Davis, Desmond               North Pitt            31-01.00  
 27 Simms, Andrew                Chapel Hill           30-08.50  
 28 Spruill, Octavious           Northeast Gu          30-01.00  
 29 Owens-Shuler, Jecori         Chapel Hill           29-09.00  
 29 Carver, Ashae                Page                  29-09.00  
 31 Fox, Josh                    Ledford               28-10.50  
 32 Luu, Micheal                 Enloe                 28-02.00  
 33 Riley, Torian                Williams, Wa          28-00.00  
 34 Huss, Jacob                  Orange                27-06.00  
 35 Prakongsai, Krittitat (M     Polk County           26-10.00  
 36 Lewis, Devlin                Williams, Wa          25-10.50  
 37 Stimac, Patrick              Polk County           23-07.00  
Men Discus Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Davis, Ryan                  Pine Forest             155-01  
  2 Farrow, Kourtney             Northern Dur            139-05  
  3 Miller, Henry                Forestview              129-07  
  4 Robinson, Ronnie             Southeast Gu            129-02  
  5 Price, Dontre'               Southern Gui            124-07  
  6 Reynolds, Hudson             Ledford                 121-00  
  7 Nichols, Andre               South View              116-07  
  8 Clarke, Cameron              Enloe                   115-04  
  9 Murphy, Justin               Cary                    109-03  
 10 Owens-Shuler, Jecori         Chapel Hill             106-10  
 11 Deacon, Eric                 Eastern Alam            106-02  
 12 Mobley, Jarrett              Southern Gui            105-09  
 13 Clemmons, Mike               North Pitt              105-06  
 14 Haddow-Green, Cameron        South View              102-05  
 15 Shaw, Justin                 Northern Dur            100-09  
 16 Samuel, Demazio              Northern Dur            100-03  
 17 Graham, Isaiah               Pine Forest              99-08  
 18 Branch, Isaiah               Enloe                    98-10  
 19 Marshall, William            South View               94-07  
 20 Whitehurst, Demarcus         North Pitt               92-04  
 21 Carruth, Chris               Middle Creek             89-05  
 22 Stimac, Stephen              Polk County              87-08  
 23 Ray, Aiden                   Chapel Hill              86-03  
 24 Ross, Malik                  Page                     86-02  
 25 Young, Kable                 Bishop McGui             85-10  
 26 Hooks, Justin                Southeast Gu             84-01  
 27 Enoch, Tyreke                Williams, Wa             83-10  
 28 Spruill, Octavious           Northeast Gu             80-11  
 28 Riley, Torian                Williams, Wa             80-11  
 30 Welch, Zach                  Ledford                  80-07  
 31 Flowers, David               Ledford                  79-07  
 32 Lewis, Devlin                Williams, Wa             78-09  
 33 Simms, Andrew                Chapel Hill              78-08  
 34 Pilgreen, Asigian            North Pitt               77-09  
 35 Bazakas, Daniel              Bishop McGui             71-04  
 36 Carver, Ashae                Page                     68-08  
 37 Latham, Michael              Page                     67-09  
 38 Stimac, Patrick              Polk County              65-00  
 39 Suber Brown, Andrew          Polk County              62-07  
 40 Geise, Reilly                Orange                   62-01  
 41 Williamson, Andrew           Orange                   59-06  
 42 Huss, Jacob                  Orange                   56-03  
 -- Glenn, Jonathan              Southeast Gu                ND  
                    Men - Team Rankings - 18 Events Scored
    1) Cary                        84        2) Southeast Guilford         81   
    3) Northeast Guilford          61        4) Eastern Alamance           51   
    5) Parkland                    44        6) Chapel Hill                36   
    7) Middle Creek                22        7) South View                 22   
    9) Northern Durham             20        9) Lexington                  20   
    9) Southern Guilford           20        9) Page                       20   
   13) Enloe                       19       14) Pine Forest                18   
   15) North Pitt                  12.50    16) Dudley                     11   
   17) Forestview                   6       18) Bishop McGuinness           2   
   18) Ledford                      2       18) Cary Academy                2   
   21) Polk County                  1.50