The NCHSAA has just announced to their members that they will delay the start of fall sports until September 1st because of the ongoing pandemic. Even then, there is no guarantee that sports will begin at that date. This decision was voted on and approved by the NCHSAA Board of Directors.
Phase one of NCHSAA summer conditioning workouts will be able to continue until further notice.
"Please understand this delayed start date is not 'in cement.'"Que Tucker, NCHSAA Commissioner wrote in his email to the NCHSAA members.
Tucker added, "We will continue discussing the numerous options and scenarios that have been developed and recommended, identifying the most appropriate scenarios."
We have seen large XC invitationals in other states get cancelled due to the pandemic so we can only hope for the best moving forward.
The first five days of the 2020-2021 school year will be designated as a "dead period" for all sports, giving the opportunity for students and staff to focus on the school year.
"We know everyone is interested in start dates and protocols. The NCHSAA will provide further updates when they become available after Board discussion and action," Tucker finished with.
We will continue to update you as more information becomes available!