NCRunners Elite Expands to Four Meets, Unlimited Entries!

One of the long-time missions of NCRunners has been to bring top-level competition with a championship atmosphere to as many teams and athletes as we can reach. That's why we started the Eastern Tour, and it's also the reason behind our continuing development of NCRunners Elite meets in both the spring and the fall.

This year, we've added two new features that should help us include more people than ever before. First, we've added a NEW meet, the Middle School Elite Invitational! And second, we're expanding to UNLIMITED ENTRIES at our three returning events. That means you can bring the whole team and let everyone close out their regular season against strong competition! Here are the details for all of our meets the rest of the outdoor season:

NCRunners Elite Invitational: April 28th

  • Marvin Ridge High School
  • UNLIMITED ENTRIES including multiple relays!
  • State meet format, one division

Frosh/Soph Invitational: May 5th

The UNOFFICIAL JV State Championship!

  • Pinecrest High School
  • UNLIMITED ENTRIES including multiple relays!
  • Championship format for Frosh/Soph, PLUS open Junior/Senior races

NEW: NCRunners Middle School Elite Invitational: May 5th

  • Cuthbertson High School
  • A postseason atmosphere for middle school athletes!
  • Contact Jason Creasy for more details

NCRunners Elite Tune-Up & Border Clash: June 2nd

  • Marvin Ridge High School
  • Prepare for New Balance Nationals or other summer meets!
  • Shoot for one final PR and finish your season with a bang!
  • Multi-state competition that has produced numerous NC all-time performances!