Interview with Stephen Hodapp

Q: How are feeling about the outdoor season after winning the 4A indoor title?
A: I'm definitely looking forward to it because its going to be another close match between me and Aaron(Zakula of East Forsyth). We are back and forth so we will see.

Q: What are your goals for the outdoor season?
A: 16 ft. plus. Maybe do some other events, too.

Q: How long have you been pole vaulting?
A: I started freshmen year because I saw my brother jump like 11 ft and thought how cool it looked. I never thought I could get close to that high back then, but now look.

Q: Along with that one, how did you decide, "I want to pole vault!"?
A: Really it was my brother and his friends that just kinda pioneered it. I started out watching You Tube videos, taught our coach what to look for, and I mean really, who can say they pole vault, that alone is sweet.

Q: Who has been your main vaulting coach throughout your career?
A: I guess it would be my coach Mrs. Bethay in the beginning, but she didnt know what to look for untill we taught her but she did her best. Then i herd about Eric Morell and he helped fix things i was doing wrong and was able to get me on bigger poles. So i guess Morell has helped me out the most.

Q: Your personal record in a meet looks to be 15'2", what have you been able to clear at practice?
A: 15'6", but haven't gotten to 16' yet.

Q: What was it like the first time you went over 15'? I'm sure that's a huge barrier.
A: I was so happy I made a noise that just came out. I'm sure it sounded funny because I was probably trying to say "yes" but I was so excited as I was falling. And yes 15 ft. has been a huge barrier for me considering I've been jumping at it since the end of sophmore year, when I first cleared 14'6".

Q: Have you ever experienced a tough injury due to vaulting?
A: Not really, besides the typical aches and pains from the different positions your body goes through. i did twist my ankle one time from landing on my feet between 2 matts... I've learned from that one though.

Q: Okay, the thinker. Who do you admire most in your life? In other words, who is your biggest inspiration?
A: This is hard. I get inspired by stories of humble people who try hard and come out on top. My brother also inspires me to jump higher than him, guess its sibling rivalry.

Q: Finally, what meets are you most looking forward to this season?
A: I guess I'm looking forward to outdoor states because it's a big event on a nice track that can help me jump my best. Another meet I'm looking forward to is the 49er Classic. I'm going to try and jump in that unattached so I'll be jumping against my brother...this time it's for who gets the house.