Some basic information for planning your trip to Kernersville for the best cross country meet on North Carolina soil.
Location: Ivey Redmon Sports Complex, Kernersville
Street Address: 788 Beeson Rd., Kernersville, NC 27284
Admission: $8.00 per person ($6.00 charged by the NCHSAA, $2.00 by the Town of Kernersville)
Morning Session:
9:15 - 3A/2A Coaches Meeting
10:00 - 3A Boys
10:30 - 2A Boys
11:00 - 3A Girls
11:30 - 2A Girls
12:00 - 3A/2A Awards Ceremony
Afternoon Session:
2:15 - 1A/4A Coaches Meeting
3:00 - 4A Boys
3:30 - 1A Boys
4:00 - 4A Girls
4:30 - 1A Girls
5:00 - 4A/1A Awards Ceremony
Official Lists of Qualifiers:
More Information for Coaches & Athletes