Track Rankings Track Rankings #1 

This is sure to be debated as it isn't as easy to rank track as it is XC. I encourage you to send results in, so that your team is noticed. This ranking is based off of results that have been sent to and last year's state championships.


Please debate, agree, or just make a comment.


4A Boys:

1)    Vance
2)    Southeast Raleigh
3)    New Bern
4)    West Charlotte
5)   (tie)Garner, South View


4A Girls:

1)    Vance
2)    Harding
3)    Southeast Raleigh
4)    Providence
5)    Butler


3A Boys:

1)    TC Roberson
2)    Ragsdale
3)    Parkland
4)    Mooresville
5)    Asheville


3A Girls:

1)    Ragsdale
2)    TC Roberson
3)    Parkland
4)    White Oak
5)    Dudley

2A Boys:

1)    North Rowan
2)    Brevard
3)    East Lincoln


2A Girls:

1)    Burlington Cummings
2)    Cardinal Gibbons
3)    West Henderson


1A Boys:

1)    Polk County
2)    Hendersonville
3)    South Stokes


1A Girls:

1)    West Wilkes
2)    North Stokes
3)    Bishop McGuinness


1A/2A/3A Boys Independents:

1)    Forsyth Country Day
2)    Providence Day
3)    Charlotte Latin


1A/2A/3A Girls Independents:

1)    Providence Day
2)    Forsyth Country Day
3)    (tie) Cary Academy
(tie) Charlotte Latin