Get your high school team up to speed by . . .



. . . becoming a team administrator or suggesting to your coach to do so.



Many schools are already posting:

  • schedules
  • rosters w/ nicknames, events, pictures, etc.
  • news and announcements
  • coaches
  • team information
  • alumni

Check out a few team sites:

                    * Providence Day School

                    * Parkland High School

                    * Providence High SChool


How do you go about it?

  1. Register for the site (top right corner)
  2. Email me with your Milesplit username.
  3. Wait for my return email. I'll tell you "everything is set".
  4. Log in to the system and click on the team admin button on your team's page - away you go!


IMPORTANT - Anyone can become a team administrator: parent, coach, or athlete . . . BUT make sure you are truly going to update your team's page.


It is easy to do. It will also help the site take-off!