Indoor State Meet Still in Doubt - Searching for location

At the July semi-annual meeting, the NCTCCCA executive board voted unanimously to make the following four recommendations to the NCHSAA concerning the Indoor State Championship, keeping in mind that we must put the athletes first in providing them the best venue for competition:
1.      Lynchburg, Va. at Liberty University
2.      Appalachian State University
3.      A facility with a portable track rented and trucked in
4.      Polar Bear in a warmer area of the state
Appalachian State is not an option nor is finding a portable track. We have looked with no luck.
The board believes strongly that we must keep in the forefront what is best for the student athlete.  We also understand that the competition calendar may need to be adjusted to adapt to availability of sites.
As stated above, the NCTCCCA Board’s 1st choice is Liberty University . The NCHSAA is actively discussing taking the meet: out of state or being held as a polar bear. The superintendents will play a major part in the decision. We need ALL track coaches to contact their superintendent and voice their concerns. You may also need to contact members of your school boards. We NEED TO DO THIS TODAY!!

DePaul Mittman
NCTCCCA Executive Director
NCHSAA State Meet Director