What does it mean for a conference to be "strong?" For the purposes of this article, it means, "how do the teams in that conference rank in their classification?" Each conference's score was determined by adding the rankings of its top 3 boys teams and top 3 girls teams. Since this is an overall evaluation, I added the top 3 teams from either classification of a split conference.
NOTE: NCISAA schools may not yet have declared if they are changing classification, so these are based on the information on the NCISAA website.
Top Overall NCHSAA Conferences
1. Southern Carolina 3A (35 points)
2. NCAC 1A (48 points)
3. SWAC 4A (51 points)
t4. Big Eight 3A (58 points)
t4. Southern Piedmont 1A (58 points)
t6. CAP-8 4A (64 points)
t6. North Piedmont 3A-4A (64 points)
8. Smoky Mountain 1A (81 points)
9. PAC-6 4A (85 points)
10. Northwest 1A (89 points)
t11. Central Tar Heel 1A (90 points)
t11. South Piedmont 3A (90 points)
13. So Meck 8 4A (93 points)
14. CPC 4A (95 points)
15. Western Highlands 1A-2A (96 points)
Top Overall NCISAA Conferences
1. CISAA 3A (22 points)
2. CAA 1A-2A-3A (24 points)
3. TISAC 3A (31 points)
4. TAC 1A-2A (44 points)
5. CCC 1A-2A (49 points)
6. PACIS 2A-3A (52 points)
t7. EPIC 1A-2A (56 points)
t7. CRC 2A (56 points)
9. MAC 2A-3A (57 points)