Now that the PreSeason Countdowns have been completed, it's time for you to let us know what you think we got wrong! We'll even reward you for pointing out our mistakes, by offering a free subscription for indoor track season (or a free 3-month extension for an existing subscriber) to the person that posts the best preseason team rankings, according to the criteria below.
- You have to list a minimum of 15 teams, and a maximum of 30 teams.
- You have to rank the teams (from 1 to 15, 1 to 30, or anything in between).
- You have to score better than the NCRunners Countdown to be eligible to win.
- You get one point for each team you list that ends up in the top 25 of the Final All-Classes Team Rankings in November (so it's to your advantage to rank more teams).
- You get another point for each team that ends up in the exact place where you rank them (for example, you predict the team will be 11th, and they end up exactly 11th).
- The poster with the most point long as they outscore the NCRunners Countdown!
The contest ends on August 12th, when the first scrimmage meet of the season is scheduled to kick off. At that time, the threads will be locked and we'll wait for the season to play out to see if anyone can beat the NCRunners Countdowns!