Meet Information
Entry Deadline is Wednesday, October 11 at 11:59pm.
Time Schedule:
8:30 Combined Elementary
9:00 Middle School Girls
9:30 Middle School Boys
10:00 High School Girls Varsity (limit 7)
10:45 High School Boys Varsity (limit 7)
11:30 High School Combined JV (unlimited)
Award Times (approximate):
10:30 Middle / Elementary Schools
12:30 High Schools
Meet Fees:
High School - $60 for Both Teams ($35 per gender)
Middle School - $45 for Both Teams ($25 per gender)
Individuals - $8 until max is reached
*Schools with both High School and Middle School must pay as separate schools.
Checks made payable to:
Daniel Boone Cross Country
Mail Entry Fees to:
Daniel Boone Cross Country
Len Jeffers
1440 Suncrest Drive
Gray, TN 37615
May bring checks to meet.
Additional Notes:
T-Shirts will be on sale.
Parking for Team Buses and Vans will be allowed at Crossroads Church while all cars and spectator parking will be at school parking lot.
*The school will be charging for parking, no admission fees per person, due to atleast 3 different events going on at the school this Saturday.
Time Schedule:
8:30 Combined Elementary
9:00 Middle School Girls
9:30 Middle School Boys
10:00 High School Girls Varsity (limit 7)
10:45 High School Boys Varsity (limit 7)
11:30 High School Combined JV (unlimited)
Award Times (approximate):
10:30 Middle / Elementary Schools
12:30 High Schools
Meet Fees:
High School - $60 for Both Teams ($35 per gender)
Middle School - $45 for Both Teams ($25 per gender)
Individuals - $8 until max is reached
*Schools with both High School and Middle School must pay as separate schools.
Checks made payable to:
Daniel Boone Cross Country
Mail Entry Fees to:
Daniel Boone Cross Country
Len Jeffers
1440 Suncrest Drive
Gray, TN 37615
May bring checks to meet.
Additional Notes:
T-Shirts will be on sale.
Parking for Team Buses and Vans will be allowed at Crossroads Church while all cars and spectator parking will be at school parking lot.
*The school will be charging for parking, no admission fees per person, due to atleast 3 different events going on at the school this Saturday.